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Happy Thanksgiving - What I am thankful for...


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Happy Thanksgiving to the GameEx Community. We celebrate Thanksgiving in the US on the 4th Thursday of November each year. Traditionally, families get together for a bountiful meal and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the bounty we have received and for those that we love and enrich our lives. At least this is how I observe the holiday.

That being said, I am thankful...

... for finding a wonderful community that shares my love for retro gaming and all it entails.

... for having made some great friendships with some fantastic people that I have never met in person, but I would miss as if I had should they suddenly disappear.

... for full time employment with a great crew.

... for having as my wife my best friend and the woman I have loved most of my adult life

Please take care and, if travelling, stay safe and return soon.


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I'm just thankful I don't have to work tomorrow (I work at a major grocery store chain).

Ok, I'm also thankful I have a place to live, and parents willing to let me stay there. I'm also thankful for my so-so health; it could be better, but it could be a heck of a lot worse. That's all you really need. The fire we had a few years ago was a real eye opener. To be thankful for ownership of material possessions just isn't what it's about.

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Contrary to what Han says, I'm thankful for all my worldly possessions. :-)

I'm also thankful for all of you, my only real friends (I'm a very private person in real life and generally keep to myself).

Obviously I'm also thankful for everyone who uses my plugins, it makes me feel needed.

Here's the rest of the stuff that should be here: Thanks for the family, the roof over my head, a fair wage that helps keep my family afloat, and all who do the remedial tasks that make civilized life possible. :-D

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....is it still Thanksgiving or....? We don't celebrate this in Europe. To everyone in the States and Canada: Happy Thanksgiving !

What I am thankful for....

* the best and most friendly community on the Web. It doesn't get any better !! Thank you guys :)

* family

* roof over my head

* being able to earn money to live. Unfortunately with a job I don't like...but that hopefully changes when the economy is improving...damn crisis ;(

* able to play arcade games and keeping the 80-s alive :)

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This Thanksgiving, Im thankful for my job who loves sending me out of town on special holidays, like today. Thanks job.

Im also thankful for this can of Campbells Chunky Hearty Cheeseburger. For without it, my body would not get its proper Daily Value of overdosed sodium.

Last but not least, this Thanksgiving, im thankful for my family. Although im out of town and not spending time with them today, we ceblebrate our Thanksgiving everyday. Everyday there is something to be thankful for.

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Actually, I think the pilgrims hit Plymouth Rock much earlier than Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is just the day they finally got settled down and were able to have a decent meal with the Native Americans. In fact, there were more Native American's at the actual 3-day dinner than there were colonists. Also, Thanksgiving wasn't an official holiday until Abraham Lincoln was president.

Lots of good stuff here and here.

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Well I'm certainly late to the party on this one! :lol: I had a great holiday weekend though. We had a nice turkey feast on Thursday followed by a 3-day weekend of hanging Christmas lights on the eaves (just in time to beat the Winter storm front!) and Christmas candy making.

I'm thankful for

... My Wife. Without her I'd be an anti-social, eccentric hermit dividing time between wandering the hills of Montana and playing video games. More than any other living person she has taught me the value of grace and compassion.

... My Kids. It's easy to become jaded in this world of ours. My kids have taught me to occasionally slow down and look at things with a fresh set of eyes. Buddhists would call this Beginners Mind. Hey, sometimes you just have to lie down on the ground and stare at clouds for a while.

... Blessings. I have a job that I (mostly) enjoy. I live in a home that is ample for the needs of my family. I have too much to eat and a dry place to sleep. Money has never been my God.

... Our Community. We have an amazing group of people here, and I can honestly say that I've made friends all over the world through these forums. Let's face it, emulation is an exceedingly niche hobby. Most of the general populace has no idea what an emulator even is. Even within the broad world of gaming there are those that question the value of preserving our past, or even ... gasp ... playing these moldy oldies on a regular basis. I'm so grateful I can come here, kick up my heels, and (virtually) hang out with like minded individuals who get it. Like Adultery said I talk to you guys more than I do any of my IRL friends, and for that I can't thank you enough.

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