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[RESOLVED] game ex mame settings


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in game ex advanced settings-run on launch it reads c:set49mode\set49mode.exe [rom] and on next line-run on exit it reads c:\gpwiz49\gpwizs.exe1 what is this and what does it do because I have ultra stiks and was going to delete the files are there other options for these or leave them blank, thanks

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Hi sms2169, and Welcome to the GameEx fourms!

I have to admit I'm not sure what we're even talking about here. When or if you have a moment you you mind posting up a copy of your GameEx settings as well as a copy of your log? That may shed a bit of light on the issue at hand. Please refer to this thread for instructions on how to access that information.

Thanks man!

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also would like to update my game ex but don't want to cause myself more problems does this look to be a good idea

Based on the system requirements in your log, you should be OK to upgrade, but at the same time I don't want to inadvertently advise you to do something that's going to adversely affect your setup.

1Ghz CPU.

512MB Ram.

XP (SP2), MCE, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

DirectX (Direct3D) Compatible Video card, capable of 32 bit color.

DirectSound Compatible Sound Card.

1GB Free hard drive space

At the same time though that's a really old version of GameEx you're running there. I think that one's even a bit before my time. Generally we are best able to provide assistance with the current version of GameEx. The reason for this is that we may end up chasing down a bug that's been fixed in subsequent versions of GameEx, thus reporting the same bugs and reinventing the wheel several times over.

One of the senior members may be able to provide some guidance on this one, but ultimately the best advice I can offer will be to update if that's at all possible for you given your system.

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Unfortunately you will need to upgrade your version. We are unable to support the Advanced Configuration application as it was replaced by Setup Wizard as the "goto" application several years ago.

Additionally, there have been too many bug fixes and enhancements to attempt to troubleshoot your version (present version is 13.19). I wish we could be more help, but until you upgrade there isn't much we can do.

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okay I am setting up custom emulators and have about 7 arcade emulator versions as well as other system duplicates whats best way to group these all my roms are just in a general arcade file together. also I was trying to finalize setup wizard and seem to remember direct draw or d3d what is that replaced with, thanks

also seem to be having troubles with the themes some like tron and soul caliber choose which folder to install in but never do and seem to have trouble keeping it sometimes it comes up with a default

how do I configure buttons in game ex menu I cant exit or do volume or go back

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Dude, do me a favor... Edit a post instead of creating 5 new ones every three minutes. It really ga-naws at me to have to merge your posts all the time, and it's bad forum ettiquite.

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To tailgate on Adultery's response, you seem to have multiple issues going on. Can you let us know once you have one resolved before jumping into the next? You are only going to confuse yourself and us.

Did you resolve the issue with your reg key?

Did you resolve the issue with your MAME paths?

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do u happen to know which emulators to download to game ex for killer instinct and mortal kombat for arcade? i have the consoles but cant get any arcade ones to download. do i have to do something before game ex will recognize them in their folders? i thought the emultor was ultra64 but dont remember that on arcade list, if not can i download an emulator from somewhere else and put it in game ex or am i locked into the ones in the set up wizard? thanks. i seemed to have resolved most issues in logs on previous post from yesterday as i changed to 16 bit and somehow changed rotate setting -90 but is changed, theme and screensaver are fine so far but i know i need to update direct x tonight as i updated nvidia already. if u look and seen any other prolems i missed in the logs please make a suggestion

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Glad to hear you've cleared up most of you previously reported issues. Have you tried running the Killer Instinct games under MAME? For some reason I'm thinking that they are playable under MAME at this point (although I believe you need the matching CHDs). Of course I'm unable to test it out at my current location, so I could be totally wrong about that! ;)

If you're dead set on using Ultra64, you should be able to find it fairly easily. I cannot provide a link here, sorry. Google is your friend. You're looking for Ultra64 Platinum Edition. It should be noted that this emulator hasn't seen any updates in a looong time (like 10+ years long!). :) If that still doesn't dissuade you the following links should provide you with some good information:

[RESOLVED] Configure Ultra64? Killer Instinct Emu
Ultra 64 (KI1&2)

can i download an emulator from somewhere else and put it in game ex or am i locked into the ones in the set up wizard? thanks.

Any emulator that supports launching from the command line can be easily integrated into GameEx. You can even integrate emulators that don't support launching from the command line into GameEx, although for those you need to get a lot more creative in terms of how you configure them within GameEx.

Good luck man!

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yes i had all of them setup before i updated mame and gameex and emulators didnt transfer maybe because my 9. something version was to old. so i have the files but for mame 127 and now on 151, and it doesnt even show up in my updated list anymore. but is there a reason i cant get any of the arcade emulators to work in game ex. they all say no files found, other mame and consoles set up fine.i know i put the newer arcade versions in the mame folder so they show up in arcade like before but they wont run with that emulation. ill mess a little more when i get home

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We might need to back this party train up for a sec ... Are you running 0.127 version ROMs under MAME 0.151? If so, that will likely be a source of considerable headaches. If not please ensure that your ROM directories are configured correctly in the Setup Wizard, and that your MAME filter settings are configured to your liking (clones/no clones, working/non-working, mahjong, adult, etc.).

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yes i am and in the process of downloading software to audit this or should i re download 127, is there any huge advantage to 151 for the headache of auditing and searching, regardless my previous emulation settings are gone and all have to be re downloaded and configured so i thought i would download all emutors, get working and audi,t then replace so i can start fresh up to date. if i should revert back and just use updated gameex thats fine, i was just hoping to expose game list and technology to today and not 5 years ago, probably a bad idea but nothing i do makes sense or is easy

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Hmm ... it it were me, I'd run the audit software just to check (don't let it rename or re-organize anything yet!), but ... yeah I'm guessing it's going to be a pretty significant change to try and update your set from 127 to 151. If you're happy with 127, there's nothing to say you absolutely need to update to 151 though.

The HLSL stuff in more recent versions of MAME can add some pretty nice eye candy which is attractive to a lot of folks. You'll also want to have a look at what non-playable games have become playable in the intervening versions between 127 and 151 (I'm thinking the Killer Instinct games may fall into this category but that's just a WAG).

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