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Happy Birthday Celly!


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Duuuuudes! I'm sort of bugging out here. Celly I don't know if you realize this, but Stephen King has written a book about your birthday!


Hold on to your hats conspiracy buffs 'cause this one's ripe! The '63 thing threw me for a minute, but check this out:


So we've got 2 digits there, umm ...

6 / 2 = 3

6 + 2 - 3 = 5

This means that Celly turns 35 today folks! :o Well played Mr. King ... well played. But wait, there's more!


3 + 3 = 6, so ultimately you've got three 3's there.

Can't you see it!? Half Life 3 confirmed!

Holy smokes! This means that Celly has just confirmed the release of Half Life 3 on his birthday via this crazy Stephen King conspiracy! Thanks Celly! Looks like we're the one's getting a present this year amirite?! Woo!

So yeah, the truth is out there people for those of us with the eyes to see. Now if I can just decipher who or what "JFK" is or what "LBJ" might have to do with it. This conspiracy runs deep true believers ...

Ha ... I'm Just Frickin' Kidding everybody! So yeah ... I hope everyone will remove their tin foil hats long enough to join me in wishing Celly a most marvelous birthday! Hope it's a good one buddy!

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Wow null, amazing homage :o kinda scary actually!

Happy Birthday Celly hope you has a guddun!

PS: seen the recent shoot em up comp? be my partner man i know we could rinse these guys :P

Have a good day man and from the bottom of my heart, hope you wake up on a bench with a warm fuzzy feeling of amnesia :D THAT's when you know it was one of the best :)

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Your math is wrong.. I'm 33, and was born in 1980. So theres no way being born in 1963 would make you 35...


That's where the man has blinded you man! Look again:


So we've got 2 digits there, umm ...

6 / 2 = 3

6 + 2 - 3 = 5

It's plain as day man! Wait I think this line is being tapped ... End Transmission NOW!



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