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So I decided to pull my finger out of my butt and install MAME and HBMAME, I havent used MAME in years due to me being a console kind of guy.

Everything was a breeze to setup for both but I need Map Files for MAME 1.49 and HBMAME.

MAME is setup as an emulator by the way.

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I believe HBMAME used to be Misfit MAME if I'm not mistaken? If that's the case you might be able to use fReq's Misfit MAME map as a starting point. To that end, you may also be able to apply one of the map generation utilities to assist in the process.

Map File Maker
Map File Magician

To that end, it looks like rockyrocket may have done something very similar using Map File Maker (see the edit).

I'll also keep my eyes peeled to see if I can turn up a ready-made file in the meantime.

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Yeah HBMAME is formerly Misfit Mame, I will definitely try out Freq's Misfit Mame Map File, I'm not sure if there have been any updates since Freq uploaded that MAP file, but I suppose it is a starting point.

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I'm really not sure either (although it does seem likely), so it may be a bit of a hands on process; especially so if there have been a lot of changes. I think rockyrocket is still around from time to time, so it might be worth sending him a PM since it sounds like he did this very thing (started with the Misfit MAME map and converted it for HBMAME using Map File Maker).

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I tried Freq's Misfit MAME Map File and it's immaculate, all named correctly, A hidden gem right there fellas.

I'm actually pretty joyous at this time, Thanks to Freq for the Map file and nP for the nudge in the right direction.

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Bit late to the party but here is the map file I am now using - worth upgrading for donkey kong pauline edition ect.

I now like to use romlister to make my mapfiles - it can output one txt file with the rom name then another with the descriptions, then pop both lists into open office calc and hey presto :) .

Hbmame 150.rar

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Don't forget we have the Downloads section as part of the forum now and a section for map files! ;)

Oh yeah thats much smarter than the old stickied thread, please feel free to move any of my maps there yourself or the pinballFX2 stuff it it fits into a home there :) .

Nice forum upgrade well done to all involved.

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If I move it, then it shows my name as credited with the upload. Easier for me to recommend to you so you can get credit for your efforts! ;)

Ok Draco I can not take the winking any longer - files uploaded :) .

The Mame map file now has the text in brackets added back in.

Would you like me to add the PinballFX2 AHK-files to the download section or just keep them in the THREAD?, they may be a bit specialised.

Oh and sorry for the thread hijack KRC.

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Oh the temptation to wink just for gits and shiggles! :P

Thanks for uploading the maps file. As for the PinballFX2 AHK files - so long as they are zipped with a readme file attached with clear instructions for their use, then I see no problem. Maybe provide a copy of your source that the end-user can modify and recompile with their specific changes? That would be golden.

Thanks rockyrocket!

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The more thought I give to the PinballFX2 stuff the more I feel it should just stay in its thread as anyone thinking about trying it will find it anyway by searching.
Also Krackerman is doing a fine job of maintaining the thread so out of respect for his work and a little laziness on my part maybe keep the status quo.


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