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mp4 Neo-Geo Pocket Colour vids not working


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DL'd via Emu-movies. They play in media player outside of game-ex. .mp4 extension. However - in GEx - just get black screen - occasionally get a 'boarder' round outside of video about half inch of varying colours.

Very weird - never had this one before!

Any ideas?

9 months now... when everything gets set up and your cab gets finished - does the sun come out, angels sing and Kiera Knightly says "I do"??

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Hi Stigz!

So first thing's first, I need to ask the obligatory question here. Are you using a codec pack, and if so what codec pack are you using? I'm pretty sure you've mentioned at some point in time that you're using Shark 007, but if not that's what several of us here recommend. It's weird that it's only happening with the one set of videos, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... It's a codec issue.

If you're pretty sure your codecs are in order, go ahead and post your GameEx log. It may contain some information about the non-functioning videos. You could even be extra thorough and post your emulator config for Neo-Geo Pocket as well.

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Heh - fair point Tom. Ya never know - I might actually be able to help out answering q's rather than asking them in time. + I've never been shy of asking!

Cheers null - I did have a quick look at those Shark codec thingies, but looked quite complicated and thought saw some warning about be careful with setup - another non-5 minute job!

Come back to this one another day.

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Well I still have questions, and to be fair, your cab may never be "done" (wait, you mean it can play games too? I never noticed! Haha!). Mine is fully functional, but I never stop messing with it. If the angels sang I missed it, unless by that you mean your friends give you endless props and foam at the mouth when they play it. :-)

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Cheers null - I did have a quick look at those Shark codec thingies, but looked quite complicated and thought saw some warning about be careful with setup - another non-5 minute job!

Come back to this one another day.

I can certainly understand some degree of hesitation on this. After all codec packs have earned something of a bad reputation over the years. I honestly believe that Shark 007 is the best of the bunch though. It's actually very easy to install and uninstall should you want to do that (you actually have to uninstall the Shark 007 codecs when you update).

The settings for the Shark 007 pack are deep and comprehensive. If you're making adjustments, you'll want to know what you're doing. BUT ... the default settings are excellent and will probably be all you ever need. You just install the pack and let it do its thing. No muss, no fuss. I think I may have adjusted my codec settings once, but it was only once, and it was long enough ago that I'm not even sure whether I'm making that part up.

Mainly you'll just want to follow the installation instructions carefully, but it's not difficult. Basically it boils down to this:

  • Select the proper codec pack for your OS
  • Install the 32 bit components (regardless of 32 bit / 64 bit OS)
  • Install the 64 bit Components if you're running a 64 bit OS

That's all there is to it. It's worth taking for a test drive. If you don't like it, it's easy to uninstall without adverse effects to your system. I'm guessing you'll install the pack and never look back. ;)

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Well that was a doddle. Just like installing FFD show! Trickiest bit was avoiding the bloatware and browser bars (but we all gotta make a buck, right?)

Kudos to Dazzle for spotting the pattern. Gonna try waiting one step beyond exasperation before posting next time.

In all seriousness, like to think I can sense the chipfat on the breeze, and thinking that my posts are causing some annoyance amongst the more regular and experienced users on this forum. I can only offer my apologies and undertake to post less in exasperation and more out of being "proper stuck" for 2 days or more.

Lastly on an additional serious note (and like the Jaws theme - best to change a note before it looses it's impact) I'd like to extend my genuine thanks to the regular and experienced members here for their patience; incisive advice and admirable tolerance of those less informed and practiced. My system would be a beep machine without it! Thanks to all.

Tempest - I just found Minter's Tempest 2000 on Atari Jaguar! Get in! What's the best platform/version for it? Got Minter as a FBook bud - amazingly he was on there and just accepted! Now just gotta find Matthew Smith. :)

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I think you may have missed the air of sarcasm in some of these posts you're referring to. We're here to help, there should never come a time where a user feels he's pushing the limits just because he or she is trying to get the most out of their GameEx experience.

No one here has a God complex, or is an elitist, or is above anyone else... We all have to start somewhere. Never be ashamed to ask a question... Someday you'll be the one with the answers.

/end soapbox mode

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In all seriousness, like to think I can sense the chipfat on the breeze, and thinking that my posts are causing some annoyance amongst the more regular and experienced users on this forum. I can only offer my apologies and undertake to post less in exasperation and more out of being "proper stuck" for 2 days or more.

Dude - don't wait until you're frustrated before posting. We're all here because we enjoy the hobby, and we enjoy sharing knowledge. If we didn't enjoy talking about it and doling out advice (good, bad, or indifferent) we wouldn't be on the forum. The only unwritten request is that you pay that knowledge forward to some other struggling noob when and if you have the opportunity. Don't wait two days before posting! It will only increase the frustration and eventually burn you out on the hobby. :)

Lastly on an additional serious note (and like the Jaws theme - best to change a note before it looses it's impact) I'd like to extend my genuine thanks to the regular and experienced members here for their patience; incisive advice and admirable tolerance of those less informed and practiced. My system would be a beep machine without it! Thanks to all.

Glad to help out where and when we can! :D Also don't look now, but you're pretty much well on your way to becoming a "regular and experienced member" yourself there bud!

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My point was that "if installing Codecs is intimidating, then you are going to have a difficult time with this hobby". :P

If you are getting frustrated, take a break. IMHO the best way to keep from getting frustrated is to not worry about the time that it takes to get something done. This is a hobby. Take the time to make it what you want it to be, and then be proud that you were able to do it.

I spent thousands of hours on this hobby, and I don't even play the games. It's all about the journey. :)

I used to run Project Tempest for the Jaguar games, but again IMHO you would be much better off to play Tempest in Mame.

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