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EF-2 tornado tears through my neighborhood


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We had an EF-2 tornado tear through my neighborhood yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, it was about a half block from Casa Del Draco and there was minor damage to a gate and minor tree litter, but neighbors in its path are dealing with twisted trees, debris, and damage to their homes.

While not uncommon to have EF-0 or 1 tornadoes or waterspouts in our area, EF-2 and above seldom occur. Thanks to God we did not see worse!

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I'm glad you were safe and not so directly in the path. Tornados can be very destructive and scary things to see. Even though I live in central Ohio, we're still considered part of the "Tornado Alley" and although rare we do still get the occasional major storm that brews something up. A few weeks ago a tornado (not sure the strength) came through about a mile north of where I work (also, in that respect, about a mile north of where I live) and knocked out power to the whole area for about a day. It was the busiest day and half I ever worked, because none of the grocery stores in that area were running, and EVERYBODY came to our store. We hit record sales that week too. But I'm going off topic a bit. I'm just glad you're still good and no worse for wear. Hope everything (like power and stuff) doesn't take long to get repaired in your neck of the woods.

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We have had intermittent power outages since it happened. Most of the ones today no doubt due to shutting down power to lines near where tree removal is taking place and some line repairs. Our neighborhood has underground utilities but we are surrounded by some older areas that are still above ground - they go down and take most of the rest with us until the lines are repaired. I noticed last night that my internet connectivity was slower than normal which could be the result of line congestion due to redirected traffic. I am sure things could have been much worse for the neighbors than they were.

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Glad to hear you and other's are OK and damage wasn't on a major scale.

The closest thing to a tornado I have seen is when my Mrs. let's one go first thing in the morning.


Glad you are okay Mike. In some ways we are lucky in the UK. No extreme weather and no dangerous animals, reptiles, or insects (excluding Rays Mrs!).

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Glad you are okay Mike. In some ways we are lucky in the UK. No extreme weather and no dangerous animals, reptiles, or insects (excluding Rays Mrs!).

I think Lemmy actually does qualify as a dangerous animal, reptile, or insect (simultaneously no less!). Possibly extreme weather too.


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Nice one null! :D Glad to hear everything is ok Draco. I grew up in Ohio and Indiana so I know what it's like as I had my own experiences with tornados back in the 70's but now I have to deal with earthquakes and wildfires out here in so cali but no tornados thank goodness.

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An EF2 is just a brisk wind compared to what is expereinced in the Tornado Alley states. The only thing that makes me angry about what happened is that the media is only focusing on the 1 mile of impact when the storm tracked and created a 3 mile track from start to finish. Also, the area most noticeably hit was right along its path at full force, but by far not the only homes impacted. They report 15-20 homes damaged which is incorrect and is likely double what they are reporting. I can't help but wonder if they checked their maps for the nearest trailer park so they could try to show even more damaged homes. Imagine their disappointment.

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Trailers can be nice to live in, long as you don't live in Tornado Alley. They're cheap, and for 1 person it's more than adequate. I hate that the media always tends to bring stories of Trailer Parks being destroyed when these storms come through. Why is it always the trailers that get the attention?

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Probably because they are easily damaged and show obvious signs of damage and there are usually quite a few in one location. I have no problems with living in a trailer. We lived in one when I was a kid, and, if I could find a decent plot of land and that was all I could afford to put on it, I would live in one again.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is late, but I'm glad to hear that you are ok Draco, and also lingpada! :)

I've seen my share of twisters and extreme weather, and know how dangerous they can be. This is going to probably sound cliche, but building and items can be replaced, but people cannot.

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