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[RESOLVED] Kega Fusion - Multi Disc


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How do you go about getting multi disc to work using Fusion? When it loads disc 1 it ask to insert disc 2 and press start but when you hit CTRL+C to insert disc 2 it just reboots and ask insert disc 1 and press start.

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Your confusing me man :unsure: .... Why would you need a config from GameEx to answer the above ?

The ? is related to Fusion and there isn't anything in Fusion's config that has Multi-Disc switching. I can get Fusion to load a segacd disc thru GameEx command line however there isn't a command line to switch the disc.

So I was asking in hopes maybe someone else uses Fusion and knows how to go about doing the fore mentioned ?

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I ask because usually, at some point, it turns out to be something in your emulator cfg. Without the runitgame.bat results or other information provided from the gameex.ini and log.txt files, eventually someone has to ask for it.

What system are you emulating (Kega Fusion emulates several and each has a slightly different command line setup). Do you have .7zip support enabled? What format are your files? How are they stored on your system? This isn't your first rodeo, Krak! : B)

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Have you ever used Kega Fusion before?

Have you ever tried running ... lets say Fahrenheit for example?

If not try doing so and you'll see what I'm talking about. Now if you can get it to work then all I need to know is how you did it?

I know with Gens32 it runs fine without having to do any special trick however I get Dinput errors when using that emulator and prefer to use Fusion. Now I'm sure someone here has used SegaCD's Multi-Disc games here and know what you have to do? or not maybe noone here has ever played with there multi-disc sega cd's. Well try it and see if it works I bet a good chance it won't. :P

It will run but then ask for disc 2 now I need what you have to do at this point.

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I will not fight with you about the issue, but you left out a ton of detail yet you want someone to give you a hand. We are here to do that, but you know what we usually ask for in order to assist.

First, I don't run the emulator so I will not pretend to know much about it. You didn't indicate whether or not you got it working outside of GameEx or not. So, assuming that you haven't done so, you may want to look at the suggestion in this thread. You may turn up other useful information via search terms "kega sega cd multi-disc" Good luck and let us know if you find a resolution!

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