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Happy Birthday Draco1962


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Happy birthday amigo! Make sure you stay off the streets, it's garbage day and being as old as you are, you might be mistaken for an old water heater or something. :rolleyes:

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Thanks! If I were only 21 again. So many things I can think of that I could have done, should have done, shouldn't have done 30 years ago. But then I wouldn't be the me that I am today. Things in my life might have been better, or could have turned out worse.

I know that I wouldn't change a thing if it meant giving up the very people I have liked and loved along the way, just to make my life "better." It already is as good as it gets and I value each and every love and friendship I have made along the way. I have learned to cherish those alive and in my life in the present. It seems that every year I celebrate a new birthday, I lose someone along the way. That's just life, I guess.

So, in my retrospection of the years past, I hope I have given a gift back to some of you who may not have a good perspective about how their life has turned out. It could always be worse, and you can make the present and future better. We have no successes without failures to learn from. Expect loses along the way and don't guilt yourself because you didn't do more of this or that - it was as it should be at the time. In the end, it isn't the one with the most money or toys that wins. The winner is the one that loved and was loved along the way. That is all you will be able to take with you.

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Happy birthday amigo! Make sure you stay off the streets, it's garbage day and being as old as you are, you might be mistaken for an old water heater or something. :rolleyes:

Thanks! Our garbage collection company has certain cans they provide us and since I exceed the maximum weight and contents requirements, I am safe!

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Happy Birthday Draco! So I spent about half an hour looking for a good quote to commemorate this occasion, Something witty yet pithy. Something sagely without being glib. And I failed. But this seemed OK, and fitting considering all the work you do around these parts. By some guy named T.S. Eliot (I'm guessing 'T.S.' stands for 'Totally Stoned' ... but you know how those writer types are ...).

The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.

Any hoo, Happy Birthday and thanks for not being decrepit buddy! (at least not yet!) Here's hoping for yet another great and decidedly not decrepit year!

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