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[RESOLVED] vpinball never closes! (yeah, another problem :( )

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and here I am again...

this time the problem comes with vpinball.

I'm using vplaunch 6.1 to run vpinball915, so far so good, but when I closed gameex... there were a bunch of vpinball editors open. one for every table I run.

When I press ESC the control and focus is given back to gameex, but it looks like the table editor is not closed, so every new table opens a new editor...

any idea about how to fix this?



When reporting a possible GameEx bug or error, please ensure you submit a copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini file so we may quickly assist you. Please refer to this link for additional information. You may want to use runitgame.bat to see what may still be open.


Hi there! It's not a bug, just something with my setup, I bet it's something with vplauncher 6.1


I just want to know if somebody had the same problem and how to fix it, so I want help, yeah. Thanks for asking so kindly about my intentions.

My guess right now (after pondering about it sometime) is that both the vplauncher and gameex are mapping ESC key to close the program, Gameex gets it before and closes the launched program, in this case the launcher, so the editor stays open.

Again, I guess Gameex will get focus if the emulator (or the launcher in this case) is closed, so tomorrow I'll try that, change the launcher exit key so it's not the same as the one gameex's waiting and try to close vpinball using the launcher's exit key, hoping gameex will get focus again.

You know, I'm asking for help. but meanwhile I'm pondering about what can I do to fix it too... it's just easier if somebody had the same problem and posts how to fix it before I try whatever in a trial-error way :D

You won't hear me complaining about gameex, it's a great frontend. Otherwise I wouldn't have paid for it, would I?


It's just that Draco asked you to post relevant files, and you didn't. We are not very good at guessing, so we really do need to see your files.

I would say to use an advanced config to watch for additional processes that are launched.

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Hi helpman

We're definitely here to help ... uh ... man, but I think Tempest was just saying that the requested files are typically our best "window" into the nature of the problem you're experiencing. Otherwise we're just making uneducated guesses, which may even serve to be more detrimental than helpful. :o

In other news we do actually have a few certifiable experts in VP that occasionally frequent the forums so one of them may be able to provide valuable insight as well. We'll get there man!


Tempest beat me to it.


I just checked those files too, but I'm pretty sure it has something with vplauncher.

Just before updating the vpinball emulator and the new tables I had an old pack with vpinball, don't remember now which version, but a really old one, with some tables. it worked without launcher/wrapper fine, although it was not very clean looking.

I have the tables on the same place, pinmame and roms too, vpinball on the same folder... just instead of calling for vpinball.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" -play

it calls vplaun61.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" which I already tried inside a .bat file out of gameex and works fine. press ESC, everything closes tidy and fast.

that's why I'm narrowing it to a conflict with gameex listening for the ESC key and the launcher itself listening to the same key to close the emulator...

anyway, it's 2 AM here, I'll try to get some sleep and tomorrow morning I'll try setting a different exit key for the launcher and test it.


Whenever a member opens a thread about an issue they are having, we will ask that you post the requisite files. I applaud your enthusiasm, but caution you to not depend on someone else to chime in if they have had a similar issue to chime in with their fix or workaround. This will only add to your frustration.

9 times out of 10, their issue turns out to not be quite the same due to variations in OS, codecs, etc.. It is from experience that that we ask for these files and that members attempt the steps in the "How to ask for Help" thread to help us help them to find a quick resolution or elevate a possible bug fix request to Tom and Headkaze.


+1 to everything Draco says (ever). If we can't see the nature of the issue (even if it's just environmental factors - like your GameEx log, configuration, and runitgame.bat), we have very little chance of success in assisting you with your issue. It's just like trying to tackle the problem on your own, except now there are a bunch of people shouting random advice at you based on lack of reliable information.

So here's my first piece of random advice. If that loader is giving you headaches, try a different one. Adultery has written an excellent one that operates as a GameEx plugin. Tempest is the OG when it comes to Visual Pin wrappers, and I highly endorse his work as well (Tempest is always the OG around these parts). See here. So there you go. Options. :)


LOL it's ok, I see your point too :D I'll check my theory in a couple minutes, then I'll post whatever I think would be useful :D thanks!


Not to negate anything Draco has said.. but I think you need to look at how you have GameEx configured to handle closing the emulator when you finish playing. Sure, you're using vp-launcher. But you might need to include a separate line in the "LAUNCH AFTER" section to include something like:

taskkill.exe /F /IM VPinball915.exe

That should tell GameEx to launch the taskkill.exe program built into Windows and tell it to close the VPinball915.exe running application upon exit. But you really should post the files Draco mentioned in the 1st reply. That would allow other people to see your GameEx setup and see if you might have something in there that's missing or incorrectly configured.

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Hi there! I just fixed it and you were right, Solo...

I tried several settings on the advanced emulator setup, just changing the advanced setup, modified the ESC map (copied it to vplauncher61) and edited it so it would send ESC key and watch for vp-launch61 and vpinball915 processes to be closed...

now it closes nice and tidy. problem solved :D


Hi there! I just fixed it and you were right, Solo...

I tried several settings on the advanced emulator setup, just changing the advanced setup, modified the ESC map (copied it to vplauncher61) and edited it so it would send ESC key and watch for vp-launch61 and vpinball915 processes to be closed...

now it closes nice and tidy. problem solved :D

I'm pretty sure that's what I said in Post #6. B)

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Ok, tempest, creadits where they are due :Dyou were right too.

That's my fault, though... as english is not my native language I misunderstood you, sorry :D

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