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Hi Score Competition

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Just an idea.. should we perhaps remove the "Hi-Score Competition" part of the thread titles now that we have the dedicated forum? Seems a bit unnecessary now. Just have them like..

Game of the Month - Galaga

Poll of the Month - June
Donkey Kong

Mario Brothers


As we get more and more games in the forum, it just seems more cluttered having all the extra words before each game. Anyway, this is just a thought. If you decide you agree, just let me know and I'll edit my threads to match.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, just a newcomer idea :D although it should go to features and request... :D

what about... using a hi-score enabled mame.

so, gameex can "load" the hi scores to show on gameex, and I assume gameex can "read" them someway.

now. if you registered a tag like the one on my signature you have your registered name too. and even country...

so: update gametag system so you can add the 3 letter signature on your games. Like mine, "helpman - HLP"

(the three letters should be assigned only once, so first come first serves).

add a gameex option to upload highscores.

once you exit any game, gameex looks for the highscore, checks if the registered 3 letters tag appears on them, and upload it somewhere.

It just needs to upload 3 letter tag and record value, so it's almost instant upload.

now online just keeps something like a text file for each game uploaded (if not exists, create one) with something like the mame's rom code or game name.

parses the file so no duplicate entry appears, and trim it so it just keeps, let's say, the 50 best scores for each.

appearing on a text file the size would be negligible, even with 1 file per game rom.

instant contest for every game!

you could just use the 3 letter tag, the username tag, even display the country, or use them on a database so you could check the best players on a certain country or continent...

oh boy, that would be SOOOOOOOOOO great!

if anybody likes the idea feel free to post it on features requests :D I would do it, but lately I'm adding so many suggestions that Tom will already be mad at me LOL :D :D :D (oh no, ANOTHER suggestion from helpman -sigh!)

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That's actually pretty close to what the ultimate goal would be for us. In the past (and I've been here long enough to know) we've tried setting up some way to do a high score competition. What will ultimately be required is a rewrite of the GameEx program to support reading/writing and posting of scores. There was some headway made when Tom released a version of GameEx that supported HiToText. That enabled GameEx to at least see the high scores in the games themselves. The solution we really want though is a way to see OTHER player's scores inside of GameEx. That requires GameEx to submit the new scores and do a lot of background math and stuff to update an online database of scores for each game. Right now, we're doing TONS better than where we were a few years ago. The method we're using currently is about the only option available to use given the limitations of the program. We can all hope and dream that someday GameEx will be able to do what we would like, but we just have to wait and see.

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I agree with Han. Your suggestion is pretty close to what the ultimate goal would be for us.

Maybe some of the GameEx and Database guru's could help us out creating something like this. I'll think about posting a request.

I think we've now setup a very nice Hi-Score Competition. The more interest we generate the more chance we would have reaching that ultimate goal. So the more contestants the merrier :)

We should all just have fun playing meanwhile and dream that GameEx would be able to do something like this someday :)


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  • 2 months later...

Hello guys,

first of all I'm glad we already have 11 hi-score members competing in our hi-score competition. And new members keep on joining us! Thank you guys.

As you already know your hi-score position on each of our games will earn you points for our Leaderboard. To get our Leaderboard and competition in general more exciting it would be fun if more of you would be willing to submit scores for each hi-score game . It doesn't always have to be a top 1 hi-score. It's also fun to climb the hi-score ladder of any game or improve your personal best.

If any of you has any ideas to make our hi-score competition even more exciting I'd be glad to hear.

Thank you guys !


Donkey Kong Leaderboard
1Cynicaster221,700 :link:Platinum.png
2KRC178,900 :link:Gold.png
3GimmeClassics172,300 :link:Gold.png
4Mame Offender132,000 :link:Silver.png
5GeorgeT124,800 :link:Silver.png
6ehuonder119,300 :link:Bronze.png
7BrainBug94,700 :link:Diamond.png
8Adultery85,900 :link:[/hstd]
9ExedExes81,300 :link:
10smario76,500 :link:

Last Updated: 05-09-2015


Donkey Kong Leaderboard
1Cynicaster221,700 :link:Platinum.png
2KRC178,900 :link:Gold.png
3GimmeClassics172,300 :link:Gold.png
4Mame Offender132,000 :link:Silver.png
5GeorgeT124,800 :link:Silver.png
6ehuonder119,300 :link:
7BrainBug94,700 :link:
8Adultery85,900 :link:
9ExedExes81,300 :link:
10smario76,500 :link:

Last Updated: 05-09-2015


Donkey Kong Leaderboard
1Cynicaster221,700 :link:
2KRC178,900 :link:
3GimmeClassics172,300 :link:
4Mame Offender132,000 :link:
5GeorgeT124,800 :link:
6ehuonder119,300 :link:
7BrainBug94,700 :link:
8Adultery85,900 :link:
9ExedExes81,300 :link:
10smario76,500 :link:

Last Updated: 05-09-2015

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