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MAME Compiler with 148u2


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Any reason why I can't recompile 148u2 with MAME Compiler 64? I get to step #8 and get:

Applying Diff Patch...

Error Applying Patch.

PatchDiff(): The directory name is invalid

  • Download MinGW from here and extract to C:\MinGW (I extracted to D:\Apps\MinGW)
  • Install Mame Compiler (Installed to D:\Apps\MAME Complier 64\)
  • Create a folder C:\MinGW\source\Mame0147u3 (Created D:\Apps\MinGW\source\Mame0148u2)
  • Download the hiscore hi_147u3.txt from here and copy it into the C:\MinGW\patches (you can rename it to

    hi_147.diff if you like but it doesn't matter) (Downloaded the 148 hiscore and moved to D:\Apps\MinGW\patches)

  • Download the mame0147s.zip from here and extract to C:\MinGW\source\Mame0147u3 (Downloaded mame0148s.zip and extracted to D:\Apps\MinGW\source\Mame0148u2) This leaves me with mame.zip I'm assuming it needs to be extracted again?
  • Download the updates from here (0147u1_diff, 0147u2_diff and 0147u3_diff) and extract them to C:\MinGW\patches (Downloaded 0148u1_diff.zip and u2_diff.zip and extracted to D:\Apps\MinGW\patches)
  • Download MameUI source from here extract somewhere then copy the src folder to C:\MinGW\source\Mame0147u3 (Downloaded the MameUI 148.2 source and copied the src folder to D:\Apps\MinGW\source\Mame0148u2 overwriting the previous files in src)
  • Apply the official Mame patches 0147u1_diff, 0147u2_diff then 0147u3_diff. Apply them by browsing to each one selecting it

    from the file browser then selecting "Apply Patch"

  • Now apply the Hiscore patch you downloaded from step 3 (Eg.

    hi_147u3.diff or hi_147u3.txt depending on how you saved it)

  • Set your "Mame Source Folder" to C:\MinGW\source\Mame0147u3

    and check you have the WinUI build option selected under OSD

  • Click GO! to compile.

Edited: typo extra quote in path above

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Why are you trying to compile the old patches to 0.148? You need to use the MAME source 0.148 and apply the new patches 0.148u1/u2 and the u2 high score patches to the current 0.148. You keep mentioning 0.147 when it sounds like you are wanting to compile 0.148u2 if I understand correctly? or am I missing something here? Follow the instructions but use the newer 0.148 diffs patches instead of the 0.147 ones in the instructions.

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Why are you trying to compile the old patches to 0.148? You need to use the MAME source 0.148 and apply the new patches 0.148u1/u2 and the u2 high score patches to the current 0.148. You keep mentioning 0.147 when it sounds like you are wanting to compile 0.148u2 if I understand correctly? or am I missing something here? Follow the instructions but use the newer 0.148 diffs patches instead of the 0.147 ones in the instructions.

I think he just copied and pasted the instructions from the MAME Compiler site, but was using the 0.148u diffs.

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Draco is correct, I was just paraphrasing headkaze's 147u3 instructions. I am using version 148 with 148 diffs.



I've also copied the FILES in mingw64-w64 to the root of the D:\Apps\MinGW dir like so (same issue) OS = Win7 64 bit


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Krakerman does have a good question. You should only apply the diff to the root build (0.148). In the image you provided, you are attempting to patch a 0.148u2 source with a u1 diff file. I can see where that would prove problematic.

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I understand what you are saying,but if you look at the original steps #3 and #5, headkaze is downloading the .147 source and extracting to the .147u3 directory. I downloaded the .148 source and downloaded to the .148u2 directory. Maybe I was over thinking his directions but I thought he named it that way because at the end it would be .147u3 (.148u2) after applying the diff files.

I didn't see a .148u2 source file (only .148 and u1/u2 diffs)

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I didn't get that far......if you look at the screenshot in post #7, I pointed to 0148u1.diff then clicked Apply and received the error. If it had worked the order would have been 0148u1.diff ---> 0148u2.diff --> hi_148u2.diff.

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Try deleting the source folder and re-unzipping the mame source into a new folder and try patching it again. I found that when I deleted the MAME source folder and unzipping the MAME 0.148 source and starting fresh then re-apply the patches works everytime at least for me your case might be different. Maybe try re-installing MinGW if that doesn't work just so you have all the files in place correctly if any are corrupt.

Don't know what else to say as it is working for me sorry. I'm pretty new at doing this myself but I followed these steps several times and has worked everytime without issues. The only other thing I noticed is you had the box checked for No Warning As Errors I left this unchecked. Try that. Also I have the Optimize set to Auto Detect where you have it at None if that matters at all.

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Progress has been made...somewhat......

MinGW contains two versions when extracted, "mingw64-w32" and "mingw64-w64" under the MinGW dir. Since I have been using Win7 64 I was using the w64 version. DO NOT USE THIS VERSION. Not sure if this is the 64 bit version or this if for AMD CPU's but it didn't work for me. If you compare the two dirs side by side the folders are named different hence the error I was getting in post #7.

I copied the files/dirs in "mingw64-w32" to the root of MinGW and was able to apply all three patches with no issues.

Now I'm on step #11 I click GO! (this one is a bit harder to troubleshoot)

Compiling Mame...
Using Parameters -j5 TARGETOS=win32 TARGET=mame OSD=winui PTR64=1 NOWERROR=1
make: *** windows32_openpipe(): DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
0 Hours 0 Minutes and 0 Seconds Elapsed.
. Stop.

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Hi zeenon, for your information "mingw64-w64" is for compiling 64bit MAME ;) so you are correct in using the 32bit version.

Did you remember to do #7 this time round? and before you did #8? I know i'm just pointing out the obvious but we've all been here - we think we have done it all correct, but still get errors :P Also as Krakerman said, always start with a fresh folder structure each attempt, (re-install/extract everything) to avoid leaving any rogue files by accident.

If it makes you feel any better it always takes me 2-3 tries - and i've been doing it a few years lol!

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I was pretty much having the same issue as zeenon with 'the directory name is invalid' message.

I took the advice, re setup all the files / directories and tried again twice.

Both times retries I've managed to get past that and have tried to apply 0148u1.diff and it completed but with a lot of hunk failed messages..

Then when trying to reapply the patch it does a combination of the hunk failed messages and 'reverted or previously applied' messages...0148u2/3.diff

When I apply the hiscore diff afterwards it finishes fine, then when I try to compile MAME I get what happens in the screenshot attached.

I've set the OSD to WinUI and have tried 'dual core' and 'No warnings as errors' as both ticked / unticked and have left Optimize for as None the whole time.

I'm running a 2.9GHz dualcore with 4GB of RAM on Windows XP 32 bit.

I replaced the entire 'src' directory with the one I downloaded.

I noticed that there were additional files within there.

Was this correct?

If there's any advice anyone can give it would be much appreciated.






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