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Happy Birthday Circo!


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Happy Birthday Circo! First, a Wikipedia definition of Circo:

Um circo é comumente uma companhia em coletivo que reúne artistas de diferentes especialidades, como malabarismo, palhaço, acrobacia, monociclo, contorcionismo, equilibrismo, ilusionismo, entre outros.

A palavra também descreve o tipo de apresentação feita por esses artistas, normalmente uma série de atos coreografados à músicas. Um circo é organizado em uma arena - picadeiro circular, com assentos em seu entorno, enquanto circos itinerantes costumam se apresentar sob uma grande tenda ou lona.

The translation, of course, defines a circus:

A circus is commonly a company in collective that brings together artists from different specialties, such as juggling , clown , acrobatics , unicycle , contortion , juggling , illusions , among others.

The word also describes the type of presentation made by these artists, usually a series of acts choreographed to music. A circus is held in an arena - circular arena, with seating around it while traveling circuses usually appear under a big tent or tarp.

I think it is fitting to say that without Circo hosting and managing his wonderful site EmuMovies that the circus of game videos, snaps, etc. would resemble an elephant stampede at best.

Thanks for all you do for the emulation community and have a wonderful day!

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Lol! Circo is Circus in portuguese?? Never would have guessed. Well, with his EmuMovies website and FTP, he's definately running a circus. Grats on another year good buddy, hope you have a good day and many more ahead.

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