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Happy Birthday, nullPointer!


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Happy Birthday, nullPointer! A little edumacational info from Wikipedia for those not familiar with what a null pointer is to programming:

A null pointer has a value reserved for indicating that the pointer does not refer to a valid object. Null pointers are routinely used to represent conditions
such as the end of a
list of unknown length or the failure to perform some action; this use of null pointers can be compared to nullable types and to the Nothing value in an option type.

Null pointers are often considered similar to null values in relational databases, but they have somewhat different semantics. Null pointer in most programming languages means "no value", while null value in relational database means "unknown value". This leads to important difference in practice: two null pointers are considered equal in most programming languages, but two null values in relational database are not (since they represent unknown values, it is unknown whether they are equal).

We can see by the definition that the alias does not necessarily fit the man as he is a valid and valuable object, far from being classed as a nothing, although, he may feel closer to a nothing since accepting the reins of Moderator <insert your favorite Rodney Dangerfield quote here>.

OK, I have copied, pasted, and said enough to get this windbag on with his day knowing that we wish him a great, wonderful, happiness-filled day.. yada, yada, yada....

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Well I'll be damned! Happy birthday to the best friend I never met! I hope your day is cooler than mine is... I gotta drive an hour to school each way in snow. :)

Your next beer is on me. Just send me the bill. :)

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Thanks a lot guys! Chinese food and a new USB port for B-Day. Hooray!

Birthdays are an opportunity to pause and consider the events of the previous year. It's been a crazy one! I was wondering if I'd I'd still have a job at this time last year. My company wound up landing a new contract, so now I'm working 60 hours a week with plenty of time spent traveling. Come October I may be wondering again whether there's any new work available, and whether I'll still have a job at this time next year! Any hoo, throughout all the chaos, this forum has been my sanctuary. I come here and things seem normal again, if only temporarily.

Kinda like my favorite pub. Sometimes I stop in to throw back a quick one, sometimes I can buy a round for the bar. Either way, it's all the wonderful members of our community that make this a fun place, and the reason why I consider this forum my online home away from home.

Thanks again for the well wishes guys. :)

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