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[RESOLVED] Plugins and Steam


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Hi, I just started to mess with the ultrastik plugin for Gameex and i would like to know if it works for steam games. I tried to put [steam] or [steam Games] as titles in the INI file but it didn't work. Is there a way to set it up ?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I tried to set up the xpadder plugin and i dont know how to configure the steam games neither. How do i set up the steam games in plugins ?

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I finally got the ultrastik plugin to work with steam. [steam] does work in the INI files for steam games. Then I used the steam number of each game to have different ultrastik profile for games.

I wasnt able to make it work at first because the wizard didn't show me that "launch before" and "launch on exit" were already set up and it did not let me change it. So it was always overwritting the ultrastik plugin profiles. Probably a bug with my last update to 13.02. I rolled back to 12.98 and everything worked fine again in the wizard.

About the plugin Xpadder, there is probably a way to get it to work with steam changing manualy the files. but i haven't tried too much. It is now set up with launch before/after (i dont like it too much because it requires sometime to create a batch file for xpadder to launch properly).

I also discovered that I could group Steam games with my PC games using the identifier 1002.

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You may want to take a look at Adultery's Xpadder Plugin (on his User Projects Page) as it takes the launch before and launch after batch files out of the equation.

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Yes, I wanted to use the adultery's Xpadder plugin. But I could not figure out how to set up steam games with it (steam doesnt show in the selection of emulators in the GUI). It probably needs some more "manual" changes. Anyway everything is working fine now. It would just be "cleaner" with it ;)

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I need someone with Steam to run function logger so I can get the emulator number from GameEx. I don't use Steam but I can def add this in to the setup in a couple seconds.

Unless Tom can tell me the emu number?

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Here, try this.

You can assign a profile for STEAM but you can't set one for a specific game (yet). I'll have to play around with STEAM and refine this more.

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I do see the Steam option now. I am configuring the plugin but I just have some questions :

- What does the option "Enable setting for this emulator" do exactly ?

- I have different naomi emulators (called "Naomi (Demul)", "Naomi (Makaron)", "Naomi (Makaron vertical)"etc.), and when i assign a xpadder profile to one, all the other Naomi config seem to share the same xpadder config. How does the plugin make the difference between emulators ?

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That checkbox does exactly what it says... enables Xpadder for that profile. ;)

The bracketed text is removed by design. You'd be better off to change the emu name and make a "Dreamcast" group for them all... but who am I to judge. I'll look into fixing that by adding an "emu number" attribute.

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Sorry for the late update but i couldnt find the time to set it up this week. I finally did and everything seems to be working except for steam games. The log shows the following :

3/15/2013 6:40:47 PM : Xpadder Plugin (Version: 1.0.7)3/15/2013 6:40:47 PM : GameEx 12.98 loaded successfully!3/15/2013 6:40:48 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for GameEx Interface!3/15/2013 6:40:59 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings could not be found for Steam!3/15/2013 6:41:14 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for GameEx Interface!3/15/2013 6:41:18 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder was terminated successfully!3/15/2013 6:41:18 PM : GAMEEX: Closing GameEx and cleaning up! 

I checked and everything seems set up correctly in the configurator.

Also, when I launch a game, gameex closes for 1-2 seconds and opens again for 1 second and then the game is launched. Is this a normal behavior of the plugin ? Thanks.

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@#1: I'll have to look into it.

@2: that's a workaround for a strange bug that only occurs in rare occasions. As long as Xpadder and the game is launching without your intervention it is normal behavior.

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Hi Ptinolv

Just out of curiosity, what Steam settings do you need to change in 12.98 that you can't change in 13.02? If your GameEx config is preventing you from making changes, it seems like your problems may extend well beyond issues with the Xpadder plugin. Maybe it's a separate issue, but it sure seems like it could be related. Just a thought.

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On the version 13.02, the setting "launch before", "Launch after" were set up (from before the update and i could see it in the gameex.ini file) but the wizard was showing them as empty. When i was trying to change them in the wizard, it would not change anything in the gameex.ini file and it would appear empty the next time i would launch the wizard. The games were running OK and it was launching the "launch before" and "Launch after" options from the gameexi.ini but i could not change it in the wizard (showing them as empty).I rolled back to 12.98 and everything was working fine again.

I don't know where that problem came from, but i do know that my 12.98 version is working fine because it set up everything from scratch on this version. Last update to 13.01/13.02 was a bit painfull with this happening and gameex not launching at all at first (tom fixed it since). Thats why now I am a little bit more careful before updating.

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Hi Pintlov!

In your settings.xml, Please change this:

<last_updated>Friday, March 15, 2013 6:33:41 PM</last_updated>

To this:

<last_updated>Friday, March 15, 2013 6:33:41 PM</last_updated>

You're not using the official release, where I made this change already and didn't notice you are still using the RC, so you will need to update before you run the plugin or GameEx again. Get the official 1.0.7 release here.

That should do it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll have to set up gamebase support too then I see! That was kind of a bear last time I looked at it. Hopefully I can nail it though. :)

But yeah it's probably doable. I'll be starting from scratch though so it's more dependant on how hard it is to get this going.

/side note: I did download MapleStory so Steam per game support is looking good so far. :)

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