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Please READ - Additional Rules & Guidelines for Buy - Sell - Trade Forum

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In addition to the Forum Guidelines & Rules, the following guidelines/rules will also apply:

- GameEx is providing this forum for GameEx and PinballX members only. GameEx, PinballX, Spesoft nor, any associated parties will not be held accountable for any liability or responsibility for transactions initiated through posts originating on this forum.

- Members using this forum for the purpose of buying, selling, or trading items or services assume all responsibility and liability for their actions.

- All sales, purchases, and exchanges shall be handled by the respective parties outside of the forum (i.e., private message, email, etc.).

- Any issues as a result of said sales, purchases, and exchanges will be addressed between the respective parties outside of the forum (i.e., private message, email, etc.).

- No public hashing of any grievances, slights, damages, etc,. real or perceived, will be tolerated within the forums and may result in suspension or ban.

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