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[RESOLVED] Theme-Editor Error


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I recommend installing on C:\ instead of Program Files (x86) due to possible access rights issues. I would go ahead and install the Shark007 codec packs for Win 7 (both the 32-bit and 64-bit codec packs in that order).

Did you do a fresh download to the latest version of GameEx? If not, please do so and attach fresh copies of your gameex.ini, themeeditor.txt, and log.txt files.

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hello Draco,

yes, i did a fresh download of the latest GameEx (13.09). I have added the gameex.ini, themeeditor.txt, and log.txt files as attachment.

I installed the Shark-Codecs... 32bit and 64bit... in that order.

I uninstalled GameEx from the (x86) programs folder and installed it on C:/ .... on root so to say, with no success :(, i am still having the annoying error.

Things that changed on new Laptop with new OS:

I can go into the HTCP/Multimedia Settings from the Setup-Wizard again, without quitting unexpectly :) .




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Hi u-man

Your current log doesn't actually show an error. Be that as it may, have you tried making adjustments to language settings (either at the GameEx level or the OS level)? The only reason I ask is that one of our Turkish users was experiencing an inexplicable problem that turned out to be related to the language of his operating system. I wouldn't say that the problem you've reported here is similar in any way to the problem he was experiencing, but after searching for months with no solution, it really seems like this problem is related to something non-intuitive.

Good luck man.

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hi nullPointer,

this error will not show up in any log-file. i can only make a screenshot of it and post it again. the same was true, with the Setup-Wizard HTPC/Multimedia setting error, that now has gone away on the new Laptop. so at least one error is gone :) .

to be true, my girlfriend told me the same as you. that maybe the OS language matters. on my cab-machine everything works fine, but there is XP 32bit ENGLISH installed. on the other hand, everything worked everywhere fine, until the christmas-time 2012.

this error is really driving me mad. I still want to go further with my theme, but right now, it is a painfull job. i was so happy with the new Laptop and thought i can do the theme-stuff, if i visit my girlfriend and she need to work, but i cant :(.

If i am at home, i need to swap files all the time and change stuff on a 640x480 interlaced resolution :(.

it would be a relief, if i would know that i am not the only one with this experience. i mean to proof that, i need to find a german OS and GameEx user, who could try the same.... OMG :blink:

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/me shrugs

The thing is moo one can fix it if no one can reproduce it. Sorry.

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Hello guys, again me ;),

i have some questions, prior installing again :).

Do you think it is enough to choose English Language on the Windows7 Installation, to have a English Windows7?

Is it enough to add English via language installation pack?

I would like to test a GameEx version 12.90 or less, does anyone have such a version-installer. I cant download anywhere a older version, that is older than the recent one (13.09). Please help me with this, maybe Tom has a older version as a backup and could send me this one.

thank you all guys, for trying to help me out here :)

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sorry to say that, but error is still there :unsure: .

i dont use windows 7 N, i use windows7 64bit ultimate (german). can i use language pack to make it english? does it behave like a english version then?

I know it worked in version 12.90, but it could still be some Microsoft Update. If you have some older GameEx 12.90< , so i could try this, that would be very nice :).

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I know what Windows N version is, it is because of the EU-laws, but I do not have this version. My Version have mediaplayer pre-installed. If I download the media pack, it says, it is not for this version of windows.

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Ok... today I installed a English Windows7 64bit Ultimate and I still have this error :(:angry::wacko::blink:

I am really frustrated and tired right now. Guys come on, somebody give me a older version of GameEx <12.90.... PLEEEEASE.

What have i done to deserve this?

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OMG. OMG. OMG..... it works.....

Tom i am speechless.... you can not imagine how happy i am right now. man if i ever met you, than it will not be only ONE beer :D.

thank you sooooooooo much, you rocks man, really.

what a relief :D

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Good to see this issue resolved. So it looks like the WMP interop dll's were not compiled to x86 format.

I think at some point the theme editor was changed to compile to any cpu but WMP was left at x86. I just replaced the controls and that was it. Not sure why it was working for me and others.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah! I had the same problem! But i've resolved with the ThemeEditor.exe above! Windows 7 64

Thanks to all!

Edited by nullPointer
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