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[RESOLVED] Theme-Editor Error


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i have a problem loading audio or video for the background in my theme. i am getting this error:


Die Datei oder Assembly "Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden.
Dateiname: "Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
bei AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer.AttachInterfaces()
bei System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.GetOcxCreate()
bei System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.TransitionUpTo(Int32 state)
bei System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateHandle()
bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
bei System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.EndInit()
bei ah.d()
bei p.p(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

I know... german OS language, but maybe still someone can help. it worked a while ago, but suddenly it stoped working :(.

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I moved this to the General thread (best place for reporting errors). Can you provide us with a translation of the error? Also, your gameex.ini and log.txt files please. Thanks!

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ok i will try:

The File or Assembly "Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" or some dependency of it could not be found. It was tried, to load a File with a wrong Format.
Filename: "Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"

translate "bei" with "at".

Its not GameEx which gives me the error, its the Theme-Editor. GameEx is working fine, even with my Theme or any other Theme I choose.

I got this error, if I try to load a video or audio via the option-menue of the Theme-Editor. the error comes instantly, I cannot even choose something.

I guess the "WMPLib" is the WindowsMediaPlayer Lib and I guess it has something to do, with a video or audio which was choosen in the past.... who the hell knows :)





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nobody a suggestion or idea? ... :(

i would reinstall GameEx, but i am afraid of loosing my settings... can somebody help?

cannot test my theme as I use a lot of video... for the background and i cannot load my videos because of that error.

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would someone with a 64bit OS help and try to load a video in the theme-editor, please.

it seems that this "Interop.WMPLib" (its inside the GameEx installation) needs to be compiled for a 64bit OS.

at least that are the most results if you google this error.

so anybody here, who can try out?

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To be honest I was not aware that you were trying to load a video into the Theme Editor. I do not believe that this can be done. The Theme Editor is designed to handle the basic arrangement of still images and the various functional bits, fonts, etc. but not video. Any testing of vdeos will have to be done after you have created and arranged the still images I'm afraid.

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That is maybe NOW true.

The theme-editor was capable of doing this, in the past (1 month ago). for every section i.e. MAME, MAME selected etc. you had the option to load a video or audio for the background (instead of a background picture off course).

you just need to select a section and choose via the option menue either video or audio. a dialog window will open, where you can choose your video or audio. if you have allready choosen something, then you will even see a preview of it, in the dialog window.

the video or audio can be anywhere on your PC, because after selecting a video, it was automagically copied over to your theme-folder.

this was how it worked in the past.

but something has changed due to the last updates, this "Interop.WMPLib" has a newer creation date... 25. dez. 2012.

my theme depends on this function, all my background is animated. it was not a simple movie i.e. a song-clip or whatever. my menues where animated in background, this way featuring a screen experience never seen before in any other theme here.

and all suddenly stopped because of this "Interop.WMPLib" thingy. i hope that somebody with a 64bit OS just can check this out. a fresh install of GameEx did not helped :(.


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Correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am) but if you're on a 64-bit system and have WMP you can get it from the program's directory (the DLL might also be in the system32 folder). Try a search for it, I don't have my laptop handy. Drop the InterOp part though.

No promise it'll work though. I really feel like the problem is somewhere else as in the codec for the video isn't supported. Idk.

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You may want to zip up a copy of your theme so that we can have a better look. You will want to exclude the logos folder perhaps to save on size. This will give us something to test rather than trying to create a theme and guess where you put videos. Thanks!

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ok, that is something that i can try. to take the lib from the program´s directory... good advice, may be it will work, i try this as soon as i come home. even if this works, there would be this faulty "Interop.WMPLib", which should be repaired for future releases.

the codec (in my case mpg 2) is supported, it worked before. i first thought, maybe i deleted a video which was used in the theme and now the theme-editor try to open it and hangs because it didnt find the video.

i tried it with a complete new theme, and it is the same error again :(.

my google-research about this "Interop.WMPLib" turned out, that in most cases this lib needs to be compiled for the particular OS (32 or 64bit). i think this lib has to do with the theme-editor, as you have choosen the video or audio, via a WMP-look-alike dialog (i.e. there where the typical blue buttons and sliders from the WMPlayer).

but to have a proof, i need someone who can test this. its a simple thing to do, just a 64bit-user is needed.

@Draco: ..."This will give us something to test rather than trying to create a theme and guess where you put videos."

you could just try it for yourself, dont need a particular video. you can choose whatever video you want (as long as it is supported by WMPlayer). i tried .avi and .mpg both worked in the past.

just create a new theme (best guess is the videofun-theme, as you have allready videos there), select the start-section and choose video via the options in the theme-editor, thats all. if a dialog opens everything is fine, but i get the instant error described above.

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I'll import it into Visual Studio and you can test it out if it doesn't work. My laptop os is 64-bit so we can see if it works. Its just the WMP control, and as I said you probably already have it. Not sure if the calls to the 64-bit interop change over the 32-bit one which may be a problem switching it.

Make sure you copy the original somewhere safe though!

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Usually when we ask for a copy it is for a good reason. While I may be able to create it on my own, it is generally better to try to work with the OP's files and settings. Also, you have already put in the time to create your theme thus far. I may not have the time to spend on trying to recreate a new theme and attempt to replicate the errors you are receiving. It is a courtesy to those trying to help you to do so when asked.

EDIT: You can upload it to us in PM if you would prefer to keep it away from public consumption.

Edited by Draco1962
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Usually when we ask for a copy it is for a good reason. While I may be able to create it on my own, it is generally better to try to work with the OP's files and settings. Also, you have already put in the time to create your theme thus far. I may not have the time to spend on trying to recreate a new theme and attempt to replicate the errors you are receiving. It is a courtesy to those trying to help you to do so when asked.

EDIT: You can upload it to us in PM if you would prefer to keep it away from public consumption.

1st.: i was not at home, so was not able to do this task, i.e. upload my theme.

2nd.: i just wanted to save time, as the test is "5" (in words five) mouse-clicks away, to see if i am right:

just open the theme-editor,

make a new theme, choose "default - videofun" as source.

when created, select a section from the templates (i.e. start, MAME, MAME select)

and choose video (or audio) via the optionsmenue of the theme-editor.

where is the problem?

3rd.: i have tested this thing with the default - themes available from GameEx (after a fresh re-install of GameEx), with the same result. that alone shows me, it has nothing to do with my theme.

4th.: i just wanted to be nice and to make the test, less troubleshooting and easy going as possible.

but hey ok, i will upload my theme. how big does it have to be? at the moment it has 210MB, mainly because of the videos.

@Adultery: " I'll import it into Visual Studio and you can test it out if it doesn't work. My laptop os is 64-bit so we can see if it works. Its just the WMP control, and as I said you probably already have it. Not sure if the calls to the 64-bit interop change over the 32-bit one which may be a problem switching it. Make sure you copy the original somewhere safe though!"

that would be really nice. i searched my PC now and he didnt find this lib anywhere, except in the GameEx-Folder.... :(

as far as i understand from what i have read, there is no 64-bit interop of this lib, thats why it have to be compiled specifically for the OS 32 or 64bit, but i can be wrong, as i am no coder ;).

doing a test, is very simple, see the description above.

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A small sampling of the videos that are not showing should be sufficient along with the theme.ini. No need to upload the entire theme (logos etc). Just enough for it to load in GameEx as well as Theme Editor.

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ok... how do i attach a zip in a PM? cant find a button :) i know how to attach stuff in a normal post, but how do i do this with a PM?

my theme is at least 47MB zipped.... Logos not included. :(

smaller than 36mb is not possible, this is the smallest video from a early version of my theme.

PS: at least i have attached my Interop.WMPLib.dll in zipped format.

maybe that can help.


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I tested it yesterday on my Cab, where i have a 32Bit-XP installed.... and guess what, everything works like intended and as it was before. :)

so either something is messed up with my 64Bit Windows7 or this lib, doesnt work anymore for 64Bit.

It would be of great help, if somebody can just test this and see if the same error happens.

thx in advance

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Please provide a copy of your theme via PM (use More Reply Options or Full Editor to see attachments section) as has been previously requested so we may try to test. We cannot move forward until you do as requested.

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Draco, i tried the PM function, but there is no attachment section like it is, when you do a "normal" reply post.

is 47MB in filesize too much? i will send it when i get home.

so i will do everything i can. dont want to sound like a retard, but why is it a problem, to check if this function work on a 64bit OS??

is it really to hard to open the theme-editor and test the Video or Audio edit-menue-setting?

anyway thanks for any help.

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As stated before, working with the files you are using is preferable to me or anyone else attempting to recreate the errors you are encountering from scratch. Something could be off in the format of your files that we could not recreate ourselves. Since nobody has reported this kind of error before, it is possible the issue is within your system and not a GameEx Theme Editor issue. Your cooperation with the request is appreciated.

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Hi u-man,

Sorry for the difficulties you've been encountering. I'm afraid theme creation is not my specialty , so I can't be of much assistance there. What I can do is tell you how to attach files in Private Messages though.

It's actually very similar to how it's done on the forums. So for example, if you were sending me a PM with an attachment you would follow these steps:

  • Hover over my user name until the 'info panel' appears
  • Under my user icon you'll see an option to Send Message. Click on that
  • That will bring up a very basic PM window. At the bottom of that window you'll notice an option to 'Use Full Editor'. Click on that
  • This will bring up a form that's very similar to the one used for forum posts.
  • At the bottom of that window you'll see an option to Attach Files.
  • At that point you should be good to go

Thanks a lot u-man. Hopefully once we get some eyes on your theme configuration and video file we'll either be able to confirm that there's definitely a problem with the library or (hopefully) make suggestions to alleviate the issue. Hope to hear from you soon! :)

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Hi nullPointer. thanks for the info. i did exactly that, but there is no attachment-field or button or anything else, where you can attach something ;). did you try this?

the only solution was, that Draco send me a PM and on my reply, i could attach something. i could not attach something in a initiating PM, i needed to wait that someone wrote me a PM.

anyway, i will make a Dropbox-account, as my theme is bigger than 30MB and then PM you all. i have a lot of work at the moment, but i will try to complete this task this evening.

all in all, i am a little dissapointed how this thing is going, but i will accept your tasks, even if it sounds not logical to me. my described problem has nothing to do with my theme. the problem persists on the default themes too, only my 32Bit-XP GameEx in the cab, works as intended.

hope that i find a end this evening :).

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Hi nullPointer. thanks for the info. i did exactly that, but there is no attachment-field or button or anything else, where you can attach something ;). did you try this?

I definitely did. I dunno man, must be related to user class maybe? I had no idea that certain users weren't able to do this TBH.

all in all, i am a little dissapointed how this thing is going, but i will accept your tasks, even if it sounds not logical to me. my described problem has nothing to do with my theme. the problem persists on the default themes too, only my 32Bit-XP GameEx in the cab, works as intended.

hope that i find a end this evening :).

I hear ya man, and we appreciate you jumping through the hoops. I think the closer we can get to your exact use-case scenario the better the chance we'll be able to duplicate the problem you're experiencing. It won't do any of us any good if the troubleshooters are just spinning their wheels trying to recreate the problem from the ground up using methods that may or may not reflect what you’ve done thus far. So it’s more of a ‘help us help you’ sort of request, which is purely at your discretion of course. Thanks for your patience, and I’m hoping we can all make heads or tails of this. :)

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