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Happy Birthday, greatflash!


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Time. What is time? Like the sands in an hour glass? Inseparable from space? The fourth dimension? Look all I know is that it passes in one great flash. Which, oh hey - that reminds me it's the birthday of one of our finest elder statesman in the GameEx community. Happy Birthday, greatflash! It's time to celebrate that day of the year by which each of us marks our own individual passing of time here on this big blue marble.

I hope you have the type of birthday befitting a king! Anyone masochistic enough to acquire a vast knowledge and proficiency in ASM code certainly deserves it! :lol: (For those not in the know ASM is assembly language. It's not quite like writing code in 1s and 0s, but it's not far from it either.) Have a great birthday greatflash; may you surf the tides of time in a never ending wave.

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Thanks Guys :)

I had a pretty nice time, well... all things considered lol.

Thanks Null for the mention of ASM. That has made me feel really old now... I remember my first forays into asm back in 79/80. Oh, where have the days gone? Still, I am glad to say that (and thanks to Headkaze), I can still manage a few lines of code in-between trips to the toilet and light naps. ;)

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