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Merry Christmas to all


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I know some will be at home while others will be out to visit family for this Christmas Holiday, so I am getting my wishes out early to all.

Remember that the presents under the tree, the lights, the food, and trimmings have their place. The greatest gifts have already been bestowed to you in the love of our Saviour and the Son whose birth we celebrate, and the love of family and friends. Take care of and cherish them.

As we see all too often in the news, there is an ever-present evil that wants what we have and won't think twice about taking it from us. The time we let pass is unrecoverable so invest it wisely in the lives around you!

Don't forget to remember those who may not be able to make it to join family for whatever the reason. Call them and share with them your love. It might be the only brightness they see in Life and may make a profound difference in their days ahead.

Merry Christmas and have a safe and joyous holiday!

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Thanks for such eloquent and well written holiday wishes Draco.

I’d like to extend my personal thanks and well wishes to all our forum members here. For the most part our discussions revolve around GameEx, emulation, and games, but I’ve always felt that the bonds we have run quite a bit deeper. The last couple of months have been a bit crazy for me, and the forums here have provided an island of sanity and normalcy even where everything else seemed to be descending into chaos. I haven’t had much time for posting, but I can’t thank you guys enough for your presence here.

Happy holidays to all my friends here on the forums, however you celebrate them. May the spirit of the season be with you and your loved ones.

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Merry Christmas All,

I love doing my bit for my local community so this year I donated my old PSP, DS and my old laptop to my local children's hospital and I'm also taking 2 hours of my Christmas day time to help those less fortunate than others.

I'm always happy donating to a worthy cause just for the smiles on their faces.

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Merry Belated Christmas this year. I was at the emergency room at 3am then the rest of Christmas Day I've been in bed asleep with the flu. So Christmas has been a blur but looks like Santa still came thou. Hope you all had a nice one and better go get your flu shots as this one has been kicking my butt since last Sat.. I haven't eatin anything in 2 days now so at least I can't say I gained weight during the holidays :P

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