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Feel free to upload your packs to the FTP. ;)


Here is my third release with the Taito Legends Pack for MAME. This includes: Colony 7, Elevator Action, Elevator Action Returns, Jungle Hunt, Phoenix, Pleiads, Space Invaders, Space Invaders Deluxe and Zoo Keeper.


Until a game has a theme, it looks cool to use the Hyperspin wheel titles in place of the themes. Just copy the unzipped titles into your folder that has your themes and as you scroll the games you will see the title on the screen. The video plays behind the title and needs to come to the forefront. May just needs to be edited in the theme itself. Put these titles in the folder before you add the themes as the names will over write the themes if you are not paying attention. I put the titles in first and then copied the themes over them. I've attached a small sample of the mame wheel for you to try. The complete wheel can be found at the Hyperspin website. The same can be done for the other game systems as well.


I see what your saying... Thanks for the idea. If anyone has a video of the theme running on there system I would love to see it.


Before you released the theme I had made a number of themes and now that i is out I've tried to use them. They seem to work fine except the video doesn't show thru the theme. I'm using Printnet same as you. Tried to upload the file and Gameex says too big ????? When I start to upload my themes, how do I get around the size issue The file is only 4821 kb



Have you made sure the video portion of the theme is transparent, and is not .jpeg format?

Alternatively you could upload the themes to dropbox etc.. and put the link here.


@KRC In paintnet the layer shows transparent. Have attached files much bigger then this before and its real small how are you and others attached large files


Just like normal, click on browse then attach, took a little longer for my 10mb cps3 file but did upload in the end.

Maybe you could upload 1 of the themes, so I could have a look at it, just to be sure (might sound abit dumb) :P


Thats what i've been trying to do. 1 theme is only 4821 kb but when i browse and try to upload it says I(You can upload up to 97.97K of files (Max. single file size: 97.97K) ) and no matter what I do it says to big ???

error message


Upload Skipped (This file was too big to upload)

Also below my posts to the left, it recently started saying

0 warning posts

What is that


Sweet theme, You could always save the theme as a .png image to conserve space, roughly 2-3 mb.

Also when i imported the theme to GIMP, there wasnt no transparency, I had this problem when i first started out with GameRoom.

I Dont want look like a butthole but here is your theme with transparency. (Notice the video portion has gone white instead of black)

EDIT* Im not sure if paint.net Image format carries transparency as im not really a paint.net user, I just use it to cut out images.



JPEG does not support transparency, so is not a good fit for foreground files. PNG is much better for this and tends to be a little smaller in file size without loss of quality.

Paint.net should support transparency (but will only do it in the saved formats that allow for it).


@KRC Using theme in Krackerman Theme as png files. Only uploaded the printnet file as a raw file so maybe you could see what I;m doing wrong. What did you have to do to fix it. Also have gimp, do you feel that I could do better with it. No apology necessary. Was hoping you could figure out what I was doing wrong.

@Draco Saving them as png files. But don't know what I'm doing wrong as to not get the video to show thru.


Personally I use GIMP, but its a personal preference on which you use, to get the transparency on the 19xx theme, I opened up the image in paint.net, then saved as a .png image, then opened the theme up in gimp and cut inside the video border using the square selection tool in GIMP. If you place the newly updated 19xx that I did the video or snap should show through.

EDIT* Once you do a couple of theme's and they are correct, it get's easier over time.

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