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[RESOLVED] Gameex keeps hanging since the last update.

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Hi guys/gals

I take it from the lack of posts on this matter, its not a wide spread problem.

Ever since i updated GAMEEX this week it constantly hangs on "LOADING ADDONS".

The automatic update failed for me, and put me into an update loop where it constantly told me there was an update available, so i manually installed the new version,

then the problems started happening.

I've since (needed to anyway) reformatted my c: and installed a fresh version of windows 7. I thought id get GAMEEX running on default settings

before i even attempted to import my old config, but the same thing is happening!!.

Anyone else having this issue or can point me to a solution?.

I checked the log file and there is no errors, or failures to speak of.




Hi Ste - Sorry to hear you are having problems with the update. Before we can begin to assist in troubleshooting we will need you to provide a copy of your gameex.ini and log.txt file. Thanks!.


Hi Draco,

Thanks for replying so quickly!

trying to attach the files, but the ATTACH button is either hiding or im blind....



Hi ste!

In order to attach a file you have to click on the "More reply options" at the bottom of the screen.


EDIT: Too late, you found it anyway...


I've never had such a problem with GAMEEX before, its so odd!. It goes through the motion of loading the GAMEBASE libraries, yadda yadda, but as soon as it reaches "ADDONS" it hangs solid :(.

Its the exact same problem I'm having with my HUGE config file that I've spent many hours in setting up :(.



OK, I am going to recommend disabling Gamebase for right now to see if you can get past that the "ADDONS" and complete the update (regardless of success, provide a log.txt file just in case a new error manifests). Thanks!


Your log does not report anything about update, nor does your config, but usually GamEx.ini reports other important settings that are missing in your ini... Would you mind to make an experiment, just in case?

1 - Move your config file (GameEx\CONFIG\GameEx.ini) in a folder of your choiche, but outside the GameEx installation directory.

2 - Make a copy of GameEx_default.ini and rename it GameEx.ini. As you can see, we are just trying to see what happens with a default configuration.

Let us know...


Hi Draco,

Attempted your suggestion and 0 change. hangs at "Addons" with gamebase disabled.

Hi AlphaUMi!

Attempted your suggestion, and again hangs at "Addons" with the default ini in play.






In which directory did you install GameEx?

I'm just thinking about an UAC issue, in case you installed it in Program Files. If this is the case, would you mind to temporary disable UAC and see what happens?


its F:\Emulators\Gameex

F is my emu drive as such with everything i need on that drive.

Have just disabled UAC and gave it another go, with no change.




I think that is part of the problem. Can you install GameEx in the root of F: instead of nested under F:\emulators and see if this resolves the update issue? If not, try under C:\GameEx .


From my part I have GameEx installed in F:\EMULATORS\GameEx and it runs without problems.


Wanna try to delete the cache and see what happens, before proceding with a complete reinstallation, as Draco (with a reason, of course) suggested?

Go to GameEx\DATA and delete every file with .dbcache, dbcacheini and .map as extension. Keep the other files.

Run GameEx and let it rebuild the cache. Have some patience please, since GameBase systems have a huge amount of data that GameEx needs to load.

I have the suspect that it could be a matter of time...


Hi Guys.

Draco, I've had game-ex installed in the same path since 2010 with no problems until now? But i will try if all else fails i guess.

AlphaUMi, cache deleted and problem persists.

This is driving me insane.




OK, another question or two. Did you recently upgrade to a new machine or reinstall your Windows image on the same machine? Are there any changes that have taken place with hardware or OS on or about the time this started to occur?


Have to say no to both questions i'm sorry. The problems started with 12.85, it would not auto update so i came to the forums trying to find a solution. One i read was to MANUALLY install it which i did. Then the

problems started to happen.




I have just un installed GAMEEX and re installed. and the problem persists immediately without any alteration to default settings.


This is beginning to sound similar to another recently reported issue with regards to a bad registration. I am elevating this to Tom's attention. You may also want to email him directly at [email protected] to have him resend to your email a new copy of your GameEx registration.


The registration worked fine until last week 12.84. I also had to get a replacement last year due to it expiring for some reason. I will email Tom.

Thanks for your help DRACO and AlphaUMi.

Will keep you posted.


I am 99.99% this is not because of registration. Registration tends to be an issue of its registered or not. Its some other issue. Potentially with emu setup. I can try and duplicate if you post gameex.ini.


i don`t have any emulators setup, it does this on default settings. with default gameex.ini. I tried deleting cache files as per AlphaUMi's suggestion with no change.

I'm trying to setup on my other machine here with the same reg and will let you know how it goes.


i re installed game-ex since with no gamebase with the exact same result, hanging at "LOADING ADDONS". This is with a complete default setup with no changes. I apologize for not capturing the ini at that point.

I've had success on my other machine here, so I'm really lost as to what is going on now. I will try re installing again on the main machine and take it from there.

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