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[LOGOS] Manufacturer Logos Project


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As most of you are aware, GameEx will display logos from Manufacturers when you are performing searches "By Manufacturer." To date, there are no logos being submitted with themes or separate packs. Since there are so many game manufacturers for everything from the Arcade classics to PC Games and console/handheld systems, it would be a difficult undertaking for one individual.

I would like to solicit the help of the community to get this collection going. I would like to recommend a few guidelines to help ensure the best quality available:

Size: As large as possible. Remember that the quality is better when scaling down than up. Nothing smaller than 600px on the smallest dimension,

Format (in preferred order): SVG, EPS, PNG

Please submit "raw" logos whenever possible (i.e., not modifications of company logos to fit a theme). Best sources I have found are from sites such as Wikipedia, Brands of the World, Jap-Sai to name a few. If you know more, please fee free to add!

Where to obtain the names of the manufacturers? One place is the manulist.txt file in the \Gameex\data\ directory. Another would be in the various system db files. I will check with Tom to see if he can provide a .csv listing manufacturers from the Games Database project.

To start, I will seed a few images as good examples:










Manufacturer Logos.zip


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Im certainly willing to lend a hand on this topic, but as mentioned it would be a great if there was a To-Do/Find list.

Once i reach a certain amount of attached logo's I will remove them and zip them all up and attach them in their .svg format (If they are .svg)
















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Tom has provided me with a list (can't review it just yet as I am at work and the site is filtered), but suffice it to say it contains a lot! I will work on a way that we can track the acquisition of the various manufacturers publicly so that anyone can, at a relative glance, see the files that have been acquired and those that are still in need.

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I have added the .csv file for Developers that Tom provided for the project in the first post of the thread - Thanks, Tom! Since this project could very easily go all over the place without a set approach, I would like to recommend that we start off alphabetically. Of course, anyone can submit what they find, especially if you come up with an image that is of a larger size and better quality than one that has been found previously.

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Since there are over 4000 lines (some duplicate or near-duplicate) that may prove a bit daunting. I figured if, based on the few criteria I outlined and examples provided that if there was some initial "divide & conquer" to get things started until I could work on a more fine-tuned tracking solution. I am presently working on updating the list I have with the ones received so far.

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Looking through the list of devs, I noticed Data Design Interactive, I used to be a Games Tester for these, most noticably testing Legoland Rock Raiders for 10 hours straight, what a boring time that was, it was also the first time I had a play on a Net Yaroze and Blue debug psx console, I was only about 17 I think

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Hey I’ve just been struck by an idea (astonishing I know). I love checking out the various logo captures we’ve got here, but in order to get them to display properly on the forums it’s necessary to convert the images into something other than a raw vector format. How would you guys feel if we created a workspace on the shared FTP repository for this project? That way we’ve got a place to store the vector graphics.

The downside is that the shared FTP is not accessible to standard members, but at least that way we’ve got an archive for all the vector graphics rather than simply sharing the bitmap conversions on the forum. I’m definitely in favor of sharing the bitmap conversions right here too, but it would also be cool to archive the vector stuff.


Also here’s this little jobbie.

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I was actually thinking of the same. It should be fairly easy to setup the folder and upload collections sorted as to type based on vector vs. raster graphics. Since there are actually over 5000 entries in the list (many are actually duplicates of others), I would recommend subfolders in each for numbers, and A-Z. This will actually make it easier to track the collections for a given letter.

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The folders have been created (Mfg Logos Project) on the FTP site. Since FTP is only accessible by Elite and above, all user submissions will need to be via this thread to ensure visibility of the contributors and quality review.

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Since we've got a centralized repository, do you guys think we oughta throw together a naming convention to facilitate easy retrieval? Or is that getting a tad bit anal? :lol:

Edit: D'oh! After having a look at the repository, I see that we're naming the images according to the Developer spreadsheet. Good call!

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So I've run into at least one instance in which we've already got a nice raster graphic for a manufacturer (Bizzare Creations), but I've also found a good vector image of the same logo. The trouble is that they are not an exact match to one another. I don't see that as a big issue, but I figured I'd check with you guys for additional input. Yay or nay?

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Yay so far as I am concerned. So far as naming convention in the event of a duplicate or near submission within the same category (Raster or Vector), use the name from the list followed by (Alt), (Alt 1), (Old), (New), etc.

It is not uncommon for some to have multiple logo styles appear (Vertical vs. Horizontal orientation, internal division differences, etc.) and it will be up to the end user to determine which one they may want to use in their setup/project.

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So far I have uploaded a total of about 150 images to the Raster section on the FTP site. I have completed as many of the number titled logos as I could possibly find of decent quality. Only about 4900+ to go...

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