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Steam video snaps.


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Hi there, its been a long time.

Well i just updated to upto date and i have a question about the new Steam feature.

I been added my steam games now for some time to GameEX using the old fashion way, i had all the artwork and video snaps.

Now is there away to set it up so i can include my video snaps using the new way?

Thanks and i look forward to your reply.

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GameEx should grab these automatically from the Steam website but if you want to use your own just replace the file in



You need to know the game id though, you can get this from the \GameEx\DATA\steamdata.ini or from the Steam website for each game (its in the url)

You can edit descriptions in the steamdata.ini

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You should be able to replace the downloaded videos with your own, but there are a couple of caveats I’ve noticed. The name needs to match (obviously), but the format must also match the original format pulled from Steam.

I was having playback issues with an flv downloaded from Steam via GameEx (we’ll call it 12345.flv). No problem I thought, I’ll just reencode it in Handbrake as an mp4. That worked great until GameEx went out to scrape Steam and realized that 12345.flv was no longer present. At that point it downloaded the flv again, and I was back to wonky playback.

If the name and the format both match, GameEx will not try to pull down the video again (even if the video itself is different).

Just something to be aware of. ;)

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