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Gamebase Related Questions - Theming and Integration


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Ok, just trying to integrate GameBase into my setup because of all of the extras, manuals, etc. Definitely liking all the potential with this - not sure if I'll just use GB directly yet for consoles or get manuals/etc. and link that way. But...few questions to help me decide...

1. What's the naming format for GameBase custom theme screens? (i.e., Theme_Background_????, ???.ini)

2. Can any GameEx options be used with emulators being used through GameBase? (i.e., running a program/bat before it runs the game, etc) or does it need to be completely configured through GameBase and GEMUS scripting.

3. Is there any rhyme or reason to image selection from Gamebase into GameEx - or is it just whatever comes up as with normal GameEx theming/images?

4. What are the benefits of using GameBase over GameEx for emulators that have a database?

TIA for any help. Trying to tweak out my cab some and GameBase seems like a great way to integrate all the software - just trying to figure out how to get it integrated (visually) into my GameEx theme and have the controls all setup correctly.

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1. The custom layout ini should be named the same as what the GameBase DB is. We cannot have custom GameBase backgrounds at the moment, but I made a request.

2. Unfortunately there are no extra options we can use like we have with a normal emulator setup in GameEx

3. I'd like to know this too... with some GameBase's, I only have the title image showing, when the gameplay image would be better

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Hrm...so what background file does GameBase actually use then? (emubak or something similar?)

And damn...so basically you either get the features of gamebase (i.e., game info, categories, etc.) and no GameEx capabilities or GameEx capabilities and no Gamebase features. That stinks... :/

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Hrm...so what background file does GameBase actually use then? (emubak or something similar?)

And damn...so basically you either get the features of gamebase (i.e., game info, categories, etc.) and no GameEx capabilities or GameEx capabilities and no Gamebase features. That stinks... :/

The fact that you have one emulator front end basically supporting the functionality through it for another emulator front end is actually pretty cool. I think it may be a bit much to ask for GameEx to do it all. At least you have a few options with which you may work. I don't know of any other front end that gives as much support to another's functionality. I know that there may be some changes eventually that may allow for a little more flexibility, but the details are few at the moment as there are more important things to address - so stay tuned!

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Having GameBase support in GameEx has saved me a lot of headache, so I am really thankful that it was added in. I remember headkaze mentioning an update to the theme editor, so fingers crossed that he has some gamebase surprises for us! :)

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Draco - the defensiveness gets old, seriously. Just asking about a potential feature and if it's available, no need to keep going into the 'like what you have and shut up'. If that's the stance, there's no need for a forum or to sell a lifetime upgrade option.

Bigby: I'm trying to see if there's some way to convert the GameBase info over to GameEx database format...given I know nothing about the structure of either database, not even sure it would work or convert anything meaningful. Then you could use a stock emulator in GameEx and gbwrapper.exe to call the games through GameBase still.

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Draco - the defensiveness gets old, seriously. Just asking about a potential feature and if it's available, no need to keep going into the 'like what you have and shut up'. If that's the stance, there's no need for a forum or to sell a lifetime upgrade option.

Necromancyr - No defensiveness was given or intended, seriously. However, I will exhibit some now. I, along with others in the forums, have been more than helpful and reasonable in attempting to assist you in answering your questions. When you get a response that is counter to what you feel things should be, you complain or respond with a snarky comment. I have overlooked much, but it almost always ends up the same with you. Constructive criticism is welcome and requests are great. I have never suggested for you to "like it and shutup." I will suggest, however, that you show me, as well as others, a little more respect.

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A question thread that people may use later for support/question answering isn't the place for this discussion I don't think - I should have taken it private IM. Apologies for that.

Anyway, back on topic. I have a few ideas on how to get things working Bigby - what emu's are you using now through Gamebase?

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OK...I'm trying to use a number of them as well. The autolinking to extras is the big thing, in particular manuals. Biggest issue with the conversion over to GameEx, from what I've read thus far, is the rom naming conventions.

I need to dig into exactly what's covered and how in the current databases and see what is possible. Honestly...chances of this happening are slim to none...but I'll see what I can do. (About to have a baby...2nd...so...once that happens time available is going to go poof.)

What's the biggest reason you use the gamebases over using the emu's in GameEx?

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Mainly ease of use. I don't have to gather the games and all the other media myself.

Also, I don't know much about some of these systems anyway, so it's great to just get a GameBase, set it up, then simply add it to GameEx.

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when it comes to GameBase i think of C64 and when i think of C64 it comes to 21.000 games, which is such a huge amount i wouldnt dare to convert the database :o . i think it would be easier to ask the guys at gamebase, what way is the best to integrate the gamebase into a cab-friendly-frontend.

Necromancyr: I think it is not fair to blame GameEx for not having the feature to use all the extras from Gamebase. please show me a frontend, which does this ;) . MAME has roundabout 3900 unique games and the C64 has 21.000. that is 4x times more games. imagine what a huge task this is, what you ask for GameEx

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Hrm...so what background file does GameBase actually use then? (emubak or something similar?)

And damn...so basically you either get the features of gamebase (i.e., game info, categories, etc.) and no GameEx capabilities or GameEx capabilities and no Gamebase features. That stinks... :/

Logo is in MEDIA\LOGOS folder and is named "GameBase_Splash_Commodore 64". Background folder doesn't exist. I too, like Bigby, requested the option to select custom backgroung for GameBase.

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Uman - what I wanted to do was use the GameBase database w/the GameEx theme options...not sure what it came across as asking about. I actually REALLY like the integration of GameBase w/GameEx. The ability to pull in all that info from the GameBase databases is great. I'd like to just have a custom graphic in the background since I'm anal retentive about the theme on my cab - so I want a C64 custom one, a NES custom one, etc.

What I'm going to do first is check what overlaps exist and don't exist and what I can do with straight up use of the NES database vs. GameBaseNES. I know I can sync Manuals, so that may completely eliminate any advantages over using GameBase integration at all. This might be true for Atari 2600 and intellivision as well, I just need to dig in and see whats readily available, what I can rename easily, etc. I know it's possible to get all the same info from GameBase into GameEx, it's more of a time/effort thing as Bigby noted.

And, my current setup uses no non-customized emu screens, so if I can get it down to ONLY using the generic emu screens for one emulator, then I can make that a custom one since it will only be used for that emulator.

...hopefully that all made sense...little sleep and too much caffeine as of right now.

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