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Godspeed, Neil Armstrong!


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Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon. On July 20th, 1969 at about 4:17PM EST, the Eagle LEM landed at Tranquility Base. Armstrong manually landing it with about 30 seconds of fuel to spare. He departed approximately 6 hours after the landing. His quote "One small step for a man, one giant leap for Mankind" is perhaps one of the the most oft quoted. I recall watching the landing, as well as being allowed to stay up and watch beside my parents the grainy video along with "Uncle Walter Cronkite" giving his reverent commentary along the way.

Today, he was laid to rest in a private ceremony on a day, of all days, that will host a "blue moon" (a second full moon within a calendar month). There will be various online viewings of the blue moon along with commentary and recollections of this, one of my childhood heroes. His family has asked that all of us take a few minutes to step outside and simply wink at the moon as you recollect. Honor him by doing some small service for a friend, loved one, or a total stranger. In some small way, our "small step" can help someone. Remember we can all be heroes to someone in some way.

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Stepped on the "moon"? Pfft. It was a hose job and we all know it. :)

No offence to Armstrong but it's one big lie and there's plenty of evidence to support that theory floating around. ;)

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OK you got me, I’m pretty sure I’m being trolled here, but holy crap dude you’re going to piss off Buzz Aldrin! That old man can throw a punch! :ph34r:

The thing about conspiracy theories is that they require the implicit assumption that the conspirators are well organized enough to create a unified version of fictitious events. The U.S. government? I’m pretty sure (make that I’m certain that) they’re not that organized.

Besides the MythBusters busted a lot of the moon landing conspiracy theories, and those guys are never wrong. ;) I mean you can bounce a laser off the surface of the moon via reflectors left behind by the astronauts.

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Yeah you were definitely being trolled. Lol!

I'm sure the gov't likes you to think that way though, especially in the wake of 9/11. They are way smarter than you give them credit for!

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Yeah you were definitely being trolled. Lol!

I'm sure the gov't likes you to think that way though, especially in the wake of 9/11. They are way smarter than you give them credit for!


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Yeah you were definitely being trolled. Lol!

I'm sure the gov't likes you to think that way though, especially in the wake of 9/11. They are way smarter than you give them credit for!

You win sir, you win. :P But hey while we’re at it that Denver International Airport thing has always sort of freaked me out. :huh:

... And there we go ruining a perfectly heartfelt sentiment about the passing of an American icon. Ah screw it lets just load him into a cannon and shoot his remains at the moon. If it was good enough for Scotty, it's good enough for him. (totally j/k)

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