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Happy Birthday fRequEnCy!


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fRequEnCy. What can be said about someone who is simultaneously a man, a myth, and a legend around here? If you've been around these forums for any length of time then you undoubtedly have your own stories about how fReq helped you out of a jam. He's been a cornerstone of these forums for a long time. When attempting to assist any users having issues, you can almost bank on the fact that fReq has already addressed the same issue on any multitude of occasions.

It's kind of like the young fellas playing in metal bands these days. For any riff they play you can bet that Black Sabbath played it first. fReq thanks for being our Black Sabbath! I'd like to invite all our users to join me in saluting fReq on this the 36th anniversary of his birth.

Happy Birthday you manly, mythological, legend!

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Damn my cell phone! The mobile version doesn't show birthdays!

To my friend slash mentor slash motivator slash cyber brother... I hope your day is frigging awesome! :)

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Happy birthday! If not for my internet access being spotty at best today, I would have been glad to have roasted you. Actually, roasting may not be what I would have had in mind. Basting & broiling sounds better. Yeah, with plenty of garlic and butter - go all Paula Dean on your behind!

I hope your day was a great one!

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