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[NEWS] Please welcome our newest ELITE: chazz


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I would like to personally welcome / congratulate our newest edition to the team of Elite members, chazz. You may know him from his many contributions in the "theme design" area... Oh wait, he hasn't actually released anything yet? Oh, let me start over.

I would like to personally welcome / congratulate our newest edition to the team of Elite members, chazz. You may know him from his numerous assistance posts in the general forum to our users... Oh... Damn! He doesn't really assist people? Hmm.... Why are we nominating this guy again? LOL!

All kidding aside, let's do this right!

I would like to personally welcome / congratulate our newest edition to the team of Elite members, chazz. He is currently leading the charge in new ideas and great themes, and has been a huge benefit to the GameEx community. His work is easily recognizable (since it's so bleeding edge) and he has shown great strides in thinking outside of the box. His contributions and testing will be a major driving force behind the future of GameEx, no doubt! We welcome chazz with open arms, and look forward to the many contributions we expect to see in the future of GameEx skinning.

What better way to welcome someone than a good ol' roast right? ;)

Welcome buddy, and congrats!!!

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Welcome to the upper echelons of GameEx Chazz! You will of course want to report to processing for the requisite chip implants, adamantium enhancements, the subsequent dunk in a vat of radioactive spiders, and a quick christening with Odin’s hammer. Bing-Bang-Boom; done, you’re officially Elite.

Seriously though, we’re all waiting with baited breath for Confluence: GEX (and now Project[RED])! Your unique vision as to where we can take GameEx skinning truly makes you one of our Elite. In keeping with the Power and Responsibility theme above, please don’t be shy in sharing your theming knowledge with the up and comers. We’ve got a revolution in creativity going on around here, and you’re now one of the captains in the movement. Carry on Comrade! (Or in keeping with your northern locale, Carry On eh! Go Maple Leafs!)

Welcome to the team buddy! Go ahead and help yourself to the complimentary peanuts (by which I mean the new section of the forum of course!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

:D:wub: HEY GUYS!!! :wub::D

Wow! I've been offline waaaaaay too long!!!

First off, WOW! ELITE MEMBER!!! :lol:

Thank-you so much! And a huge thank-you to Tom, and especially to Adultry for the words of thanks. Honeslty this is the nicest thing anyone has every said to me on the internet. And thank-you to all of you for the kind words. It's been 6 great years as a member of GameEx and look forward to the exciting things coming in the future.

As for the theme(s), still working hard on theme. I actually had a release date planned for this month. 8/8/12 was supossed to be the BETA release date (I just liked the 8/8). But then I made some major changes, things that made me smack my head and say 'Why didn't I do this in the beginning!!.

But not to worrry, I've talked to Tom and have my link to upload. So expect something next week. (This will give me this weekend to finish up a few last things).

So let me catch you up, and let you know why I haven't been around....

First off I've just stated a new job doing webdesign and programming for a large Entertainment Magazine which has been keeping me quite busy. It's been quite chalanging, but I'm having a blast.

With this new job I've also working with them as a journalist and photographer for the magazine.


(what a horrible picture)

And lastly I'm switching my home internet companies (unlimited bandwith here I come!!), so I haven't had the Interwebs for almost two weeks at home! I should have it up and running today.

Once again, I cannot thank everyone enough for all the kind words, and all the work you've all done. This is by far the greatest community I've ever been a privliage to be a part of.

(PS, I missed you guys, and I promise to have something for you all within the next few days)

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Hi Chazz! The return of the prodigal son! Congratulations on your new job! Now you’re moving on up like the Jeffersons (keep us posted on how that Dee-Luxe apartment in the sky is working out for you ;)). Pretty sweet press pass you got there!

Thank you for being a part of our community here. Your efforts and vision are upping the entire game of theme development. As always we’re looking forward to Confluence: GEX (and now Project RED), but naturally IRL concerns take precedence.

So take it one day at a time, and we’ll look forward to seeing your cool themes being released whenever they arrive.

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