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[RESOLVED] GameEx 12.71 stops responding when loading


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The dbcachce and other files with cache in the file name. Sometimes they can become corrupt, and my thought is that, since we are dealing with a new DB software, clearing the cache files may be of some help to a few affected.

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It works for me now aside from being slow (which I imagine is the result of debugging log).

Put that biach out. LOL!

Lemmie know when it's ready.

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Yeah it's been a bug for a while. The weather icon doesn't show up anymore. I know it was reported once before because Drac and I were taking about it. I miss having the weather.

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I'm finally about to get off work and going to try out the v12.64 when I get home! :) I'll post on how it goes - in the meantime, I got my fingers crossed lol ;)

Before I start any kinda install, I am planning on doing a fresh install with 12.64 - do I still use the GameEx.exe file that Tom attached?

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No, you can use the installer on the home page. Tom will offer up a debug version if you still have problems.

It's 12.75 btw.

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Awesome! Glad it works for you! :)

I,m gonna mark this as [RESOLVED] since all the "bugs" seem to be ironed out (AFAIK).

Thanks again for your patience. :)

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"If you wanna do the Steve Urkel dance, all you gotta do is hitch up your pants!"

It's a wonder that never caught on... LOL!

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Thanks Adultery! Lol, I got so caught up in playing Metal Slug, that I kinda forgot to put the [RESOLVED] in the title. Lol, and as for the Urkel Dance - it was part of ABC's TGIF lineup of marketed dances - along with "Step by Step"'s weird Cody Character...I would trade in the whole lineup though if they could bring "Dinosaurs" back on air lol! ...oh good times, good times lol

Thanks Tom! I am really happy with the update! :) ...there are a few times where it seems like it slows down a little (is a little laggy when it comes to the video snaps), but I can live with all that to see it up and going :)

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I noticed this too, like it stops for a sec and loads the next video. It's literally only a sec though. :)

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I suppose you might say it's a delay... The scrolling text stops and you can't move the cursor/selector bar for a second. Hardly even noticeable.

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