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Happy Birthday Draco1862!


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Yeah I know its tomorrow but I, as a moderator, have the power to bend steel and move time. So, suck it!

/me makes X over crotch with forearms

What does dirt look like from underneath anyway? Oh wait. You're not dead yet. My fault, I ruined the surprise! Anyhoo ...

So you're finally 150. I wanted to give my fellow moderator... I mean admin... er slave driving old ass... well wishes on his birthday. Then I found out you actually wanted your screen name to be Darko1962 after your mentor Donnie Darko. Unfortunately we mods (see one step above n00b) can't grant such recockulous wishes. Oh well.

On top of that I realized you were only half the man you wish to be and felt bad. So I went ahead and took up a collection for your gender reassignment. After tallying up the total, I was unable to find a cut rate doctor to do the surgery for 50c, so I guess I'm back to well wishing. Damn our country's lack of nationalized health care!

In all seriousness, happy birthday my friend. I hope you don't fall down that well I wished for on your happy day. I also hope you eat steak, as opposed to getting acquainted with the wooden one the townspeople would typically drive through your heart.

*tap tap* Is this thing on? Hellooooo?

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LOL! Just stakes? No pitchforks and torches? I feel I've been skimped. Some days I feel more like 150 than 50. It is my friends and family that keep me sane and going off the rails of that crazy train called Life. Thanks, my friend!

P.S. Here is a little 8-bit tribute to the Death and Darko reference!

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Happy birthday, Draco. I'd give you crap about being old, but you're not that much older than I am. Well, you were a sophmore in high school when I was born, but other than that you're not much older. Have a great day, sir.

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Thanks, all!

@KK - Thanks for ruling out the possibility that I was your real dad as I hadn't my "first" until the summer I graduated. Thanks, also, for making me reminisce and relive the memory that I was a scrawny little nerdling who didn't "get any" while in high school. And what is with the "Sir?" Did my dad die? Great. Now to add worry to my embarrassment. Thanks a lot! :(

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Just a quick thanks to everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes! I had a great day. I spent some time with family and friends - both here and at home and those were the best gifts anyone could wish for!

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Happy 2662nd birthday Draco! Wow, what a long strange trip it’s been, huh? From devising ancient homicide law to enforcing forum law right here, you’ve truly done it all. Your Botox bill must be a killer, because you don’t look a day over 50! So what’s your secret? How do you stay so energized and youthful after some 2600 odd years on this big blue marble? I’ve heard ingesting large quantities of bee pollen does that. It’s the bee pollen isn’t it?

All I can say is you’re truly the wise and distinguished sage around here, and the place wouldn’t be the same without you. Here’s to another 2662 years! Sorry this was a bit belated, but what’s a single day to a multi-supermillenniarian, right?!

(Yes, this was my pathetic and ill-advised attempt to give Draco a Draco-style birthday wish. All hail to King Draco, baby!)

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