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First let me say that this is not the type of post I usually make. Anywhere. I’m not typically prone to flights of extended sentimentality. This isn’t me fishing for condolences, as that would be an absolutely pointless and silly act of self-pity. This is more to say thank you for the community we share around here.

Earlier this week a friend of mine died in a motorcycle wreck while riding in California. I’m still in a bit of shock/denial over the whole thing. Although I met him through his work in web design rather than through a common interest in motorcycles, I knew that he was a moderator of a forum dedicated to Triumph bikes. The day after he died I found myself reading the thread which broke the news of his passing to the forum he was involved with.

The outpouring of condolences and support was amazing. People from all over the world, regardless of whether they had met him or not, considered John a friend and compatriot through their contact with him on that forum (and IRL obviously). It got me thinking about our community here and the connections we have (dare I say friendship) through our common interests.

Thank you guys for the bonds we share here in our little corner of the internet. I’m proud to be a small part of it. Never forget to remind the people that matter what they mean to you. Life is short, and tomorrow comes a day too soon.

You may now resume with your normally scheduled programming of fart jokes and replying to redundant emulator questions for the 42nd time. ;)

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You're really pretty awesome Null!

You know I consider most of the folks around here friends, and maybe even 'family' in some twisted sense.

Working around here is a thankless job, but posts like this remind me why I do it. :)

Thanks for all you do, and I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

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x2 to what Adultery said. I find myself reflecting a lot about these kinds of things as of late. My 50th birthday is in just a few days. I have to admit that I approach it with a heavier heart than I envisioned. It isn't necessarily the getting old. It is the missed opportunities to say hello to a friend, make a new one, or an I love you to a loved one. I guess when you are younger the load is lighter. Anyone reading this I encourage you to say these things and let them know you matter. You will have less to carry with you as you get to my age or older.

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Well, I wrote a long post of "philosophical" thoughts about life but in the end I deleted everything, because I realise that you don't need that in this moment.

Let me say that I am really sorry for what happened.

And that I regard you very highly.

Accept my condolences,


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