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[THEME] aRefraction *new


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Alright so I started putting the finishing touches on my new Theme "aRefraction". I'm not ready to upload it to the server but I thought I'd post some screenshots, get some reactions, criticisums and feedback. Thanks everyone.

These include the new 3D logos I've been working on, I will release those in a seperate pack for others to use along with this Theme.





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You know what would make those logos look even cooler? If they were animated a bit. Just something simple like having the left side come forward then back again, a kinda rotation thing but on the z-axis if that makes sense. Then you could have the 'reflection' bit be more active.

Anyway... love the theme, looks great!

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I really like the look of this theme. I get the impression of window boxes on the left and louvers on the right.

One small nit-pick, if you switched the boxes on the left so they opened towards the middle, it might tighten the effect and give the user a more inclusive feeling. The way it is now, they seem to be aimed off screen to the left.

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One small nit-pick, if you switched the boxes on the left so they opened towards the middle, it might tighten the effect and give the user a more inclusive feeling. The way it is now, they seem to be aimed off screen to the left.

I thought about this, but as I angle them towards the camera it hides the three-dimensional feel to the scene. Right now they all sit on the X-axis.

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I see... kinda. Unfortunately my knowledge of 3-D modelling is non-existent. I can give suggestions, but have no idea if or how they can actually be done.

That being said, your theme looks great.

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It's themes like this that kind of discourage me from wanting to post mine. Good job!

Everybodys theme will be different, I didnt think my first theme was that good but I did get some positive feedback from it, You should upload a sneek peek of a screenshot of your theme or something :). That way you may get some feedback on your theme and maybe some ideas like I sort-of did.

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It's themes like this that kind of discourage me from wanting to post mine. Good job!

Thanks for the feedback. but kacey* is right, feedback and comments are what you need to get better. Hence what you see on this thread is a "preview" and not a final version. I only get better because I take criticism from people I respect (people here and other place). My first theme (ConfluencePORT) was a complete rip off a skin from XBMC(which I noted). But saying to yourself "That is awesome, how can I do that and make it my own" is how I got anywhere in here and in my career.

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

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Good point! It's all about taking that risk that whatever you create will blow chunks and garner some useful feedback. If we didn't we'd all still be drawing kindergarten stick people instead of aspiring to paint the next Mona Lisa.

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