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Happy Birthday, Starbuck!


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Happy Birthday, Starbuck! It is good to have another crotchety old man around the forums! Well, that is, if you are indeed a man.

In Melville's "Moby Dick," Starbuck was a man. Back in the 70s, Starbuck was a man in the Battlestar Galactica universe, but was then a woman in the 21st century series. What a gender bender! Since 2 out of 3 Starbucks are men, then I will assume you are one as well. But, since Starbuck is part of the name of the Seattle coffee chain, then maybe all bets are off? :blink:

Now that I have totally confuzzled the hell out of myself regarding your true gender, then I will depart this post by amending my original Happy Birthday wish and say "Happy Birthday, Starbuck! It is good to have another crotchety old man/nag around the forums!" to ensure that I have not angered either gender to which you may lay claim.

Enjoy your day!


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Thanks Draco,

Yes I'm a man and a old one at that. Turned 59 today. In my younger days (The 70's) I was a screen double for Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica which is why I took the computer name. And I'm not much of a coffee drinker. The cost of a starbuck would cut into my gaming budget.

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Happy Birthday Starbuck! One year older, one year wiser! Hope it's an awesome day for you

I do like how Draco1962 always starts a new Happy B'Day topic with a small piece of his thoughtful mind

I think you mean ... a small piece of the sprawling manifesto he's slowly scrawling on to the wall of his padded cell.

Just kidding Draco! :D ... I think.

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