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Memorial Day - Remembering those who freely gave so that we may live free


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I was going to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day, but, instead, will wish you a reflective and safe Memorial Day. Being a service-connected family (I nor my wife did not serve in the U.S. armed services, our fathers served in the Air Force and Navy respectively, with grandfathers that served in the Army and Navy), we know from our dependent years the sacrifices our fathers made to ensure that our freedoms we often take for granted remain. I clearly recall the sacrifices my mom made to keep 4 kids safe, fed, in school, while my dad was away. My wife experienced similar while her dad was deployed 6+ months at a time, leaving her and her mom and brother behind.

We were lucky in that our dads returned. Some are not so fortunate having lost their parent or sibling away, or had them return not as whole as they had left. Please take a few minutes to reflect upon this and, better yet, thank someone you know that is serving or has served. Lend a hand to someone who is waiting for news of their loved one's return.

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Coming from a military family myself, and also serving, hope everyone take a moment to reflect like Draco said. Its a day of remeberance, not just a BBQ weekend.

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