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Hi, I've been trying this launcher and I'm starting to get very confortable with it but I have 2 problems and maybe someone here can help:

1) I have MAME with some games and specifically Double Dragon is not showing... I can see Double Dragon (Choice version), Double Dragon (NeoGeo Version) and Double Dragon 2 and 3, but the first one does not apear at all ! I've tried rebuilding the list and nothing... and in any Mame UI version it works and it's available. Any ideas ?

2) Is it possible to keep Mame snaps on only 1 zip file ? Cause the only way I made it work is unzipping all image files... is this a full version benefit or is something wrong ?

Thanks and keep up the good work, if I feel confortable I'll definetly but this baby :).

PD: Would be great to be able to skip first screen faster even when not buying it, because it's a pain in the a.. to configure everything like this and I don't think that will change my or anyone ideas of buying it if it works as expected ! Anyway, just a comment, good work really on the launcher.


Welcome to the forums!

It is possible that you need to tweak your Mame settings. You may wish to provide a copy of your gameex.ini file (located under \c:\gameex\config ) and attach in reply to his thread.

Snaps -video or otherwise, must match the ROM names and cannot be zipped, regardless of free or registered version.

Even if there were no extra features with the registered version, it is worth it to pay for the lifetime support (and rid yourself of the nag screen and delays). B)

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