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When accessing weather I receive the following error page and the local weather nor weather options display.



That's the weather app? No effect on the weather icons?

Looks to me like maybe they changed the layout of the site a little bit. :)


The Weather Icon is fine, just the internal Weather app is acting up.

@All - please test the internal Weather application to see if you encounter the same or similar error response. Thanks!


Sorry Draco. I'll try it when I get home. I was on a networking call this morning.


LOL! You aren't the only one active in the forum that could test this... *hint* *hint*


Perhaps not but one of the coolest for sure! :)

That app should be abandoned in favor of the weather plugin anyhow. Its kind of like doing the same thing two different ways. I mean except for the 7-day outlook.

/me shrugs


Hey Draco, I would like to check this but, really, I don't even know how to start! I think I should have GameExtender enabled, right? Because I enabled it, but I didn't notice any difference in GameEx.... the Wheather icon on the start page, instead, works perfectly.... How could I have that "Wheather internal application enabled"? I barely considered GameExtender in my setup, so I'm completely noob here...


I think the intent was for those using GameEx as a standalone HTPC alternative for those systems that do not haveWindows Media Center or other HTPC softwares installed.

@Alpha - you should be able to locate it within Setup Wizard to enable and you will need to add it in your Custom Menus if you have those in use, otherwise, it is there in the standard view under Other Programs (or something like that).


I'd love to test it for you Draco, but to be honest I've never been able to specify a separate service provider than the default which in my case is wetter.com. They seem to exclusively serve up weather data for Germany and greater Scandinavian region (as far as I can tell). As a result the weather app is rather less than useful for me, so I've never really used it. I'm sure I'm probably missing something.


Wetter is where the scrape comes from I thought?

Just to be clear, were talking about "Weather" in other programs, not the plugin that displays the weather icon in GameEx (totally different thing).


Ooops looks like I lied. :unsure: Wetter.com doesn't offer up weather info for any Montana towns. Interestingly enough, the weather icon has always worked just fine for me, and correctly recognizes my zip code. Especially interesting if they're both pulling from wetter.com.

Back on topic . . . when I entered Denver, CO as my city, the weather app pulled up the info just fine on my machine.


@Alpha - you should be able to locate it within Setup Wizard to enable and you will need to add it in your Custom Menus if you have those in use, otherwise, it is there in the standard view under Other Programs (or something like that).

Oh, I see... It's under HTML applications.... I disabled and deleted them but it's a peace of cake to retrieve the weather web link from gameex.default.ini....

So it seems that GameEx connects to: http://10foot.cbueng...?start=1〈=2

I've re-added the web app in my configuration, but I can notice no error... Draco, is this the way the "internal web app" should look like?


If so, the link works well for me! What the hell could this mean? It's a web link basically, not a GameEx issue!


Because of the error I am not able to change anything :(

What does this mean? Because of the error your whole setup is "frozen"? :(


I have to esc to exit the error screen or close out of GameEx entirely. I actually tried what you just suggested when I got home this evening and still end up with the same error messages. There is more to what is occurring than being just a web link and it may be limited to my system in general or it may be the way that GameEx is trying to parse out the XML response - not sure it isn't a GameEx issue, at least for my setup.


The issue is with Wetter.com. If memory serves correctly, there were more than one source to select from for weather data. This would explain why Alpha is not able to replicate the errors I am getting because wetter.com only services Europe and does not appear to export or provide any data for the US or elsewhere in the world. :(


It does offer limited service in the US. You can probably find the nearest major city.

PS: Its an issue with the site not GameEx but it works fine for me. You can probably fix it by clearing out your ie cookies.


It should get Jacksonville FL then. At least it was doing so before. I only use the functionality when testing a theme so it's not a deal breaker for me other than I just like things to work as intended!


The weather screen is coming up for me, but although I have my City set in the WeatherSelect.exe it says 'No City Chosen'.



@Chazz: I think the weather settings are saved in a cookie for ie.... or at least this is what was said to me after configuring the city\region. If so, the WeatherSelect.exe, maybe, is not related with this feature...


WeatherSelect.exe is just for the weather icon and temp shown in GameEx. The weather app is a completely seperate hosted app that I really have nothing to do with.


@Tom - I tried your suggestion, deleted temp internet files, cookies, etc. and still no joy. If the problem is with the site, then the Weather app is broken for some of us. Apparently it is not supporting down to the level of my city any longer. While I don't use the feature, often, it is a shame to see GameEx impacted by a loss of functionality for some users.


It's not working for me either Drac. It must be a USA problem?


Oh well, I wonder if another web weather option exists? Weather Underground has a free Weather API here...

Until someone comes up with something similar to what we had, I have substituted the original URL with http://www.wunderground.com/auto/wxmap/ . This is their fullscreen map and it renders well in GameEx in place of the weather. You can input your location and set the map parameters fairly easily and, while it isn't as clean looking as the normal MCE-type weather display, you get a pretty decent weather map and summary of current conditions and the next few days forecast.

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