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I am working on a theme and whenever I attempt to open the theme in Theme Editor I receive the error in the image. I have also attached my thene.ini file for review.




Make sure you are using Custom Module layouts and Custom Emulators Layouts. I too had this issue awhile back which I posted about. Now I got all those issues fixed but for the life of me I can't remeber if I'm missing something for you also to try. I found that for awhile that if I had too many layouts it would crash, but I believe Ben fixed that problem as I haven't had an issue since working on my theme. If I happen to remember I will let you know. Give that a shot if you haven't already :P


I do remember I had to delete a few images from your theme media folder that started with the header of "Theme_Background_name of your image" then my theme would load into the theme editor. Those files are created when you load your images into the theme editors Custom Layouts. Hopefully any of this makes sense.


The theme I am working on does not have Custom Layouts enabled so no files to delete as a result. I am running at 1920x1080 for the theme dimensions. Now generating a different "out of memory error." :(

I have attached a copy of that error. I also checked the Event viewer and found no application errors generated. In reviewing your previous posts as well as a few others, it does not appear that this has been resolved, just a few workarounds that appeared to resolve the crashes.



I'll have to look back and remember what I did Draco as I had the exact same problem when I started out with this theme.


Here is the latest in the Out of Memory errors generated:

See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************

System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.

at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)

at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs, DrawImageAbort callback, IntPtr callbackData)

at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr, DrawImageAbort callback)

at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttr)

at c.w(Graphics A_0, Boolean A_1)

at u.d(Graphics A_0, String A_1, Single A_2, Boolean A_3)

at o.a(Graphics& A_0)

at o.ap()

at o.b(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.WmReflectCommand(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************


Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5448 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version:

CodeBase: file:///C:/GameEx/ThemeEditor.exe



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 8.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5453 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5446 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/



Assembly Version:

Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/


************** JIT Debugging **************

To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this

application or computer (machine.config) must have the

jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.

The application must also be compiled with debugging


For example:


<system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />


When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception

will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer

rather than be handled by this dialog box.


I would need to look at the entire theme and recreate the error to be able to debug it properly. If you can upload it somewhere I can take a look.


I will try to get it to you today. I don't subscribe to any of the file upload sites and the file is much too big for here (151 MB).


This is off-topic but I really like DropBox for the purposes of sharing smallish files. It doesn't feel nearly as shady as the subscription based sharing services, and it's free (upload and download, no waiting). Additionally it's super easy to administer since the 'share' directory is pointed at a directory on your local machine (i.e. once you remove shared files from that directory, they are no longer accessible to the public). Any hoo, sorry for being off-topic, but dropbox is one of those utilities I don't mind endorsing from time to time.


I've added logging to the ThemeEditor so we can get a better idea of what's going wrong without the need to have everyone upload their themes.

Copy the attached ThemeEditor.exe over your old one in the GameEx folder and then it will output to a log file in GameEx\LOG\ThemeEditor.txt.

Please attach your ThemeEditor.txt files here after attempting to load the theme.



Ben - Thanks for the updated file. In return, I give you the log.txt file complete with errors for your reading enjoyment!

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: Theme Editor 2.25

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: Version: 6.1.7601

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: Build: 7601

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: RAM Total: 8126 MB

3/5/2012 6:20:56 PM: RAM Used: 2434 MB

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: CPU: Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Video Driver:

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Video RAM: 1024 MB

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: Sound Card: High Definition Audio Device

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: .NET: .NET Framework 2.0 Installed

3/5/2012 6:20:58 PM: .NET: .NET Framework 4.0 Installed

3/5/2012 6:21:11 PM: Loading Theme C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\theme.ini

3/5/2012 6:21:11 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\Snap.png

3/5/2012 6:21:11 PM: Error: File Does Not Exist.

3/5/2012 6:21:11 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\GameExIsLoading.png

3/5/2012 6:21:11 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\MAMEBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\GameExLogo.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Dialog.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\ErrorDialog.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\PleaseWait.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\PleaseWaitBar.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\TopBarMiddle.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\HelpButtonOver.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\HelpButtonDown.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\MCEButtonOver.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\BackButtonOver.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\BackButtonDown.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\MCEButtonDown.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\TopBarLeft.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Window.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\MediaControl.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\MediaControlStop.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\ArrowDown.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\ArrowDownPressed.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\ArrowUp.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\ArrowUpPressed.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Unselected.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected1.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected2.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected3.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected4.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected5.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected6.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected7.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected8.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected9.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected10.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected11.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected12.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected13.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected14.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Selected15.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\VolGreen.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\VolGrey.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__CPS3.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Daphne.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Final_Burn_Alpha.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__MAME.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__MAMEUIFX.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Mjolnir.png

3/5/2012 6:21:12 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__MUGEN.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Nebula.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Radikal_Bikers.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Raine.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Sammy_Atomiswave.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Sega_Model_2.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Sega_Model_3.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Sega_Naomi.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Supermodel.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Taito_Type_X.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__WinKawaks.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Arcade__Zinc.png

3/5/2012 6:21:13 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Apple-Bandai_Pippin.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Atari_2600.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Atari_5200.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Atari_7800.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Atari_Jaguar.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Atari_Pong.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Bally_Astrocade.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Casio_Loopy.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Casio_PV-1000.png

3/5/2012 6:21:14 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__ColecoVision.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Commodore_Amiga_CD32.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Emerson_Arcadia_2001.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Fairchild_Channel_F.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Fujitsu_FM_Towns_Marty.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Fujitsu_FM-Towns_Marty.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__GCE_Vectrex.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Magnavox_Odyssey.png

3/5/2012 6:21:15 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Magnavox_Odyssey2.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Mattel_Intellivision.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Microsoft_Xbox.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Microsoft_Xbox_360.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__NEC_PC_Engine.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__NEC_PC-FX.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__NEC_SuperGrafx.png

3/5/2012 6:21:16 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__NEC_TurboGrafx_16.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_Famicom.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_Famicom_Disk_System.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_GameCube.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_N64.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_NES.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_SNES.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nintendo_Wii.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Nuon.png

3/5/2012 6:21:17 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Panasonic_3DO.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Philips_CD-i.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__RCA_Studio_II.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_CD.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Dreamcast.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Genesis.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Genesis_32X.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Genesis_CDX.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Genesis_Model_3.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Master_System.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Mega_Drive.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_Saturn.png

3/5/2012 6:21:18 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_SG-1000.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sega_SG-1000_II.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__SNK_Neo_Geo.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__SNK_Neo_Geo_CD.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sony_Playstation.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sony_Playstation_2.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__Sony_Playstation_3.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__VTech_CreatiVision.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Console__WoW_Action_Max.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__AppleWin.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Atari++.png

3/5/2012 6:21:19 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Bliss.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__CCS64.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__CXBX.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__DeSmuMe.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Dolphin.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__DOSBox.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__FreeDO.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Gens+.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Gens32_Surreal.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Handy.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Hatari.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Kega_Fusion.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Magic_Engine.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Mednafen.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__MESS.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__NeoPop.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__NeoRAGEx.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__NeoRaine.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Nestopia.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__NLSMX.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__No$GBA.png

3/5/2012 6:21:20 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\_Emulator__Nostalgia.png

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3/5/2012 6:21:33 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\blank.png

3/5/2012 6:21:33 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\By_Category.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\By_Manufacturer.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\By_Name.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\By_Year.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Capcom.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\changeview.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Chess.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\config.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Console.png

3/5/2012 6:21:34 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Control.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\CPS.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Data East.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\DOSBox_Game_Launcher.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\dvd.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\dvddisk.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\ebook.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\emus.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Exit.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\FICS.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\FoF.png

3/5/2012 6:21:35 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Folder.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Fruit Machines.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Fruit_Machines.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\GameEx.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\golden.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\goldenage.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Handheld.png

3/5/2012 6:21:36 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Handhelds.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Home - The Simpsons.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\home.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Horizontal.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\hulu.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Insert_Image_Here.png

3/5/2012 6:21:37 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Jukebox.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\karaoke.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\LastPlayed.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Library.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Lightgun.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Live.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\LogOff.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAME.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAMEAll.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAMEFavor.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAMEMulti.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAMEnet.png

3/5/2012 6:21:38 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\MAWS.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\media.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Microsoft Windows.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\midway.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Most.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\multimedia.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\namco.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\NeoGeo.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\news.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\No_Image.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\notplayed.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Original.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\PC Systems.png

3/5/2012 6:21:39 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Pictures.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Pinball.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\radio.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\random.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\screensaver.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Search.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Segamodel2.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Setup_Wizard.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\ShutDown.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Slots.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\SNK.png

3/5/2012 6:21:40 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Spinner.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Standby.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\statistics.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Suspend.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Themes.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Thumbs_Control.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Thumbs_Mame.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Thumbs_More.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Thumbs_MultiMedia.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Tools-Apps.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Trackball.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Under_Construction.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Update.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Vector.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Vertical.png

3/5/2012 6:21:41 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Video.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Weather.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\WinAmp.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Windows Media Center.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Windows.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\Windows_Media_Player.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\winkawaks.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LOGOS\YouTube.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\StartBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\StartBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\DaphneBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:42 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\DaphneBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:43 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\EmuBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:43 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\EmuBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:44 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\JukeboxBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:44 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\JukeboxBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:44 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Bak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:44 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\Bak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:45 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\PicturesBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:45 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\PicturesBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:45 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\RadioBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:45 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\RadioBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:46 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\VideoBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:46 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\VideoBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:47 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\EbookBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:47 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\EbookBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:47 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\YouTubeBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:48 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\YouTubeBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:48 PM: ERROR @ SetTransparency (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:48 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:48 PM: at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)

at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs, DrawImageAbort callback, IntPtr callbackData)

at System.Drawing.Bitmap.MakeTransparent(Color transparentColor)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject.SetTransparency()

3/5/2012 6:21:48 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\KaraokeBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Parameter is not valid.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format)

at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Image original, Int32 width, Int32 height)

at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Image original)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\KaraokeBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\DVDBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\DVDBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\NewsBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\NewsBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:49 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\SearchBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\SearchBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LibBak.png

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Loading... C:\GameEx\THEMES\Shades of Grey\MEDIA\LibBak_Foreground.png

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: ERROR @ New (ThemeObject)

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: Out of memory.

3/5/2012 6:21:50 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)

at ThemeEditor.ThemeObject..ctor(String objCategory, String objIniName, String objName, String objFileName, Single objLayer, Int32 xpos, Int32 ypos, ThemeObjectIniType objIniType, Boolean objLock, Boolean objTransparent)

3/5/2012 6:21:51 PM: Creating MainBitmap (1920 x 1080)

3/5/2012 6:21:51 PM: ERROR @ OpenTheme (frmMain)

3/5/2012 6:21:51 PM: Parameter is not valid.

3/5/2012 6:21:51 PM: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format)

at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height)

at ThemeEditor.frmMain.OpenTheme(String iniFileName)


It looks to me like you're running out of memory, although GDI+ can trigger that message for numerous reasons, this time it really does look like a memory problem. It loads a bunch of images and then starts reporting the error for every subsiquent image.

The Theme Editor actually loads each image into memory and makes a copy for rotation and scaling reasons (so it can do non-destructive editing). The problem is with such a large theme it doesn't have the memory for it. I'm thinking the Theme Editor will need to be modified to use dynamic image loading. So only images of the layout you're currently working on is loaded into memory.

I'll have a chat to Tom about it.


Maybe that's why I can make a bigger theme on my PC since I have 16gb system memory. How much memory do you have Draco?

Except I had similar issues when I first started my theme then Ben adjusted the number of emulators you could have within the theme editor then my issues seem to dissapear.


To be honest, 8GB should be enough RAM to handle it. I am not sure why it has to load every logo file in addition to the actual theme screens. Seems counter-intuitive to me to do so.


I moved about half of my logo files and Theme Editor loaded. The only files that I feel Theme Editor should be looking at are those in the media folder.


That was what I was going to tell you. I found out if moved a few of the emulator backgrounds out of your theme folder temp then load up your theme in the editor it should work again. So basically when you finish a emulator theme move it to a temp folder until you finish of your theme then move them back into your theme folder. I know it's a pain in the butt but your theme will work then in the editor and you won't get that error. You can only work on so many backgrounds at a time in the theme editor depending on how much system memory you have which I think Ben was getting at.

So what I did at that time was create a duplicate of my theme folder and moved the completed images into the backup folder then when I fired up GameEx I just pointed to my backup folder for the theme to test it out. However my system has been running like a champ as of late and I haven't had to do that anymore so far. Knock on wood. I have quite a few systems I am creating and it has been running perfect in the theme editor with all the images loaded in it.

Give that a try until Ben gets a fix for it.


Okay I figured out the cause of the errors. The Theme Editor was compiled for 32-bit and the process limit for that is 2 GB. So it was running out of memory. When I compile it with 64-bit support it will load the theme no problem.

Anyway here is the Theme Editor compiled for "Any CPU" so it will run in 64-bit mode on a 64-bit machine. If you have a 64-bit machine you should have no problem loading larger themes using this binary.



Holy Sweetness! Will give it a go tonight! Will it still include the error loging feature? Thanks!


Holy Sweetness! Will give it a go tonight! Will it still include the error loging feature? Thanks!

Yes it does and the log shows no error when I load your theme now. So all should be swell :)


Nice work Ben! You're always upping the ante! ;)

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