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[RESOLVED] How to set Emulaters to Full Screen


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Speaking in general, every emulator should be configured apart from GameEx to be launched in full screen, using their own configuration settings. GameEx only launches emulators.

But you already have configured your emulators that way, right? You mean that, although you have configured JNES and ZSNES to run in fullscreen, they refuse to do so only when launched in GameEx, do you? In this case the link Draco suggested is in fact a good place to investigate this issue.

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JSNES Fullscreen settings can be found HERE, (read the whole thread - although I'd probably just do like the OP and make the switch to nestopia) ;)

ZSNES Fullscreen settings can be found HERE (check out both the Full Screen and Video Modes sections - although again, I'd just as soon recommend something a bit more modern - if not bsnes then at least Snes9x). :P

As far as configuring your emulators goes, it's a very good thing to become familiar with. The bad news: most of them handle configuration in widely divergent fashions from one another.

Good luck man!

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As I feared, the OP missed a basic step. And as nullPointer pointed out (eheeh, this is a contradiction, isn't it?), first you should become familiar with configuration settings for every single emulator you want to use, not only with fullscreen modes, but with keyboard and joystick settings, video, audio and directory settings too. When they are configured the way you want, you can proceed configuring the emulators in GameEx.

My advice is to read the readme files included in each emulator, which shlould contain satisfactory instructions.

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Agreed. Too often I have seen where issues with emulators are pointed towards the front end (GameEx, HS, etc.) as if the front end software is supposed to handle the configuration chores for you - it isn't! While most front ends do provide for some built-in functionality outside of emulation proper, they provide a common interface between the various emulators.

One of the most frequent questions I ask is "Does it work within the emulator outside GameEx?" If you haven't configured and mastered the emulator to a basic degree, then likely it will not work through the front end software.

Of course, we will help because that is what we tend to do.

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True - so the best new user question path would be:

- Does it work within the emulator as expected? Check via emulator GUI that configs/options/settings to ensure paths and settings for behavior are correct.

- Does it support/work as expected via command line? Same as above and will need to research command line settings from emulator's forums, read me or help texts and test from DOS prompt via cmd.exe .

Finally, if all working properly in answer to the two questions above...

- Has the emulator been properly configured via Setup Wizard in GameEx? If not, refer to the Links to Emulators, Suggested Command-Lines, and MAP files thread in addition to setting up the emulator ROM, image, and other required paths via Setup Wizard.

Did I leave anything out?

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Nope you nailed it! Now sticky it! :)

Edited by Draco1962
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