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a re-install of windows 7 don't fix the problem... the crash is still present.. :-/ my system isn't the reason

here are all information about my pc:





on this system is only installed windows 7 x64, lcd-smartie, shark007 incl x64 addon, directx, flash player, acrobat reader, all needed drivers and gameex with the emulators. In the GameEx log file i can't see the loading of a video snap, not entrys to build the video graph.. these information are missing in the log file.

Log-files are created by sisoft sandra and dxdiag

After loading the LED/LCD plugin need gameextender around 20 sec to initialize the plugin.

What is the diffrend between 11.86 and new releases at the render of the video snap? Something must be changed


I for one have had issues using Shark007 codecs and switched over to K-lite Codec Mega and it runs much smoother without any crashes. I am using Win 7 x64 system so you might wanna try uninstalling Sharks and giving K-lite a try and see if that fixes it.


I for one have had issues using Shark007 codecs and switched over to K-lite Codec Mega and it runs much smoother without any crashes. I am using Win 7 x64 system so you might wanna try uninstalling Sharks and giving K-lite a try and see if that fixes it.

no.. same crash with k-lite :-/


when you un-installed did you re-boot and then tried installing k-lite by chance? Another thing to try is setting GameEx to run as Administrator if your using Win 7.

Do you have the latest drivers for your video card installed?


when you un-installed did you re-boot and then tried installing k-lite by chance? Another thing to try is setting GameEx to run as Administrator if your using Win 7.

Do you have the latest drivers for your video card installed?

I tried this befor.. It won't help.. I've also disabled uae.. I'm not a newbie ;-)


Can you provide a copy of your event log from within Windows (Right-click Computer>Left-Click Manage then select Event Viewer>Windows Logs>System) immediately following the crash? You should see an error or warning message (maybe multiple errors) about the time of the crash occurence.


Can you provide a copy of your event log from within Windows (Right-click Computer>Left-Click Manage then select Event Viewer>Windows Logs>System) immediately following the crash? You should see an error or warning message (maybe multiple errors) about the time of the crash occurence.

could you look at the page 1.. here find you the event log in the 1st post


I saw that one, but want to see one after you made all the changes (reinstalled codecs, Win 7, etc.).


I personally stay away from FLV or AVI's and only use MP4's for videos. Try those and see what happens. Another thing is make sure your Direct X files are up to date as well if they aren't already.


All datas/files are up to date.. The crashinfo in the Event Log are always the same

Only Tom knows whether something is changed in program Code between 11.86 and newer releases for render Video Snaps. I dont know what is the latest releases that works.. Is ist possible to download older releases?


And now? Payback the livetime licence?

You should contact me directly about that, it shouldnt be a problem. I apologise that its not easy for me to fix. I have spent time on it. It may be figured out in the future but I cant fix it for now. Sorry.


if you can fixed in some weeks then is it okay.. i can help me with disabled video snaps. background snaps works well.


if you can fixed in some weeks then is it okay.. i can help me with disabled video snaps. background snaps works well.

Thats why I was trying to be honest and up front with you to save you time and effort. I don't think it is going to be a few weeks. You can try the other suggestions I guess but I don't know when this will be fixed fo you.


Thats why I was trying to be honest and up front with you to save you time and effort. I don't think it is going to be a few weeks. You can try the other suggestions I guess but I don't know when this will be fixed fo you.

sorry, my english is not really good. can you use simple words to tell me what is the difficult to find the reason for the crashes on my system? have you an archive to download older releases.. so i can check what is the last working releases on my system. this can help to find the different..


Here is a debug version with additional logging. I don't think it will pinpoint the problem but it might be worth a try. Its difficult for me to debug because the crash is happening on a thread or outside of GameEx.



Thanks Tom!

Thats funny.. The debug release doesn't crash! It works well :-) If i swap the release with the official version then is the crash back. If i swap the release with the debug version then works again.. Very funny :-)

Gameex Extender viewer starts with gameex on start. The viewer runs on the 2. Monitor. With start the extenter let the gameex mainscreen start minimize or behind a black screen (hideOS). Is it possible to start gameex always in front?

I have a mp3 playlist. The Change from the playing mp3 to the next mp3 is with a gap. My mp3s have a crossfade. The gap is very annoying. Is it possible to preload the next mp3 to play the music gapless?

Have you any plans to integrade a tv mode? Like to play a TV client stream over the lan network from other external applications like progdvb or others (udp streams)


Hi Tom. I try 12.61 but this release crashs again. Have you an idea why doesnt crash the debug version?


Have you an idea why doesnt crash the debug version?

Its just because everything is slowed down with the logging on. It does not helpe me fix the problem. Sorry. I am certain its an issue related to video playback.


i think i found the reason.. if i disable the option vsync in gameex than gameex works without crashs.. in the graphic card option i enable always vsync on.. perhabs that gameex witth also option "vsync on" to get a crash

Posted (edited)

I don't think that is the underlying cause. It probbably fixes it as it gives more cpu cycles back to the sytem. Although I am gald you found a solution. There is no problem running GameEx like that.

Edited by Draco1962
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