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[RESOLVED] CPS3 resoution changes


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Hi, been a while since I've been on the forums. Well, not only do I have my HTPC running GameEx, I now have an arcade machine as well. I'm having a bit of a problem running Nebula CPS3 games in the correct resolution. I want to run them at 640x480 instead of the default 800x600. Whenever I select 640x480 as the default and then close the emulator and then re-open it, it goes back to 800x600. Even in the .ini file it says 640x480 for full screen mode yet when I start a game it goes straight to 800x600. Any ideas on how to remedy this problem?

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Hi, been a while since I've been on the forums. Well, not only do I have my HTPC running GameEx, I now have an arcade machine as well. I'm having a bit of a problem running Nebula CPS3 games in the correct resolution. I want to run them at 640x480 instead of the default 800x600. Whenever I select 640x480 as the default and then close the emulator and then re-open it, it goes back to 800x600. Even in the .ini file it says 640x480 for full screen mode yet when I start a game it goes straight to 800x600. Any ideas on how to remedy this problem?

Nice to see ya LucasBarton! Been awhile. Please export your config so I can see what you currently have and when I get to my system later this evening, I'll have a look see for a remedy.

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It's not a GameEX issue because it does it outside as well. I've even gone so far as to make the emulator.ini file read only but it still switches to 800x600. The reason I need the lower resolution is because I'm running it on an older arcade monitor that doesn't support higher resolutions.

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Have you checked out the latest MAME builds? There are quite a few games that are now being emulated very well that were previously played in some of the other emulators only or not so well.

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It's not a GameEX issue because it does it outside as well. I've even gone so far as to make the emulator.ini file read only but it still switches to 800x600. The reason I need the lower resolution is because I'm running it on an older arcade monitor that doesn't support higher resolutions.

Does it outside by running from CLI or GUI?

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From my testing it seems that any changes that are made in the GUI are not saved in the ini. I had to make changes to the ini itself for the settings to stick.

The funny thing is that when I go into the .ini it clearly says the resolution is 640x480. I make it read only, start the emu and poof, it's running at 800x600. I may have to wait until I upgrade the PC I'm running in the cabinet and play it through MAME, which I plan on doing in about a month anyway. I'm using an old PC that struggles with some of the newer games like Daytona USA, Killer Instinct, Ridge Racer, etc. so I'm going upgrade.

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The funny thing is that when I go into the .ini it clearly says the resolution is 640x480. I make it read only, start the emu and poof, it's running at 800x600. I may have to wait until I upgrade the PC I'm running in the cabinet and play it through MAME, which I plan on doing in about a month anyway. I'm using an old PC that struggles with some of the newer games like Daytona USA, Killer Instinct, Ridge Racer, etc. so I'm going upgrade.

Meet me in chat if you can.

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Please post your emulator.ini contents. I think I may know what's going on.

Here it is:

;Configuration file for the Capcom System 3 emulator

;All text to the right of ; is ignored (use as comments)

;Add your rom directories here (max 10)

;ROMS subdirectory in the same folder than the exe is always scanned when searching for roms

;(remove the ; form Dir1)




ForceSync=0 ;Force directx to lock to vsync refresh


ForceManaged=0 ;Forces the DX driver to use Managed textures instead of Dynamic. Use it if the emulator

;crashes after loading or doesn't show anything

FilterTilemaps=1 ;Perform bilinear filtering when stretching in fullscreen



;These options are configured from menus so don't touch








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If you want 640x480 then FullMode should be equal to 0. Now it's set for 800x600 which you stated.

The following will correct your issue:


FullScreenWidth and FullScreenHeight is the values for a custom resolution and those values aren't used unless FullMode is equal to 4.

From the readme:

I've added an option to set a custom fullscreen resolution in the

.ini file (FullScreenWidth,FullScreenHeight). You must enable

it setting Video->Fullscreen Resolution->Custom. Using a resolution

that is not supported by your video card will cause the emulator to


The table below shows the settings:

Fullscreen Resolution Ini Settings
FullMode=4Custom (Set in .ini)

In my first attempt, the values would not save to the ini from the GUI. They will be saved if closed by the window and not the close menu item. So this is how I discovered these values.

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