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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope that everyone has a safe and family-filled holiday! Those of us that get the chance to eat hearty and enjoy the companionship of family & friends are truly blessed. It is the time of year where we share from those blessings with others that may not be as fortunate and, perhaps, carry their spirits a little higher to make it into the new year.

This has been a year of loss for me on a few levels, having lost a job of 5 years and with that, loss of some self-esteem and financial stability. I am thankful, however, that, while not making nearly what I was at my last job, I have found one that I enjoy more overall - I like the people I work with and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I am thankful that I have a wonderful wife, family, and friends that have stood behind me as I struggled to get my feet under me and working again, the love and encouragement they have provided. Despite the losses, I have made more important gains thanks to their support.

I am thankful for Tom & Ben as they continue to make GameEx one of the best front-ends around, and likewise to the friendships I have with Adultery, fRequEnCY (or however he spells it ;)) and many of you! I cannot conclude my post of thankfulness without a special thanks to the Almighty for looking over us all (and helping me to light a fire under Krakerman's arse to create his own theme which is progressing beyond my expectations :P)!

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Nice post, Draco. I'm also thankful for a great family, and the fact that I am employed at a time when finding work in Michigan is difficult at best. I would also like to extend a thanks to everyone at GameEx including the members of the forums. I stumbled onto this site about a year ago and instantly fell in love with the program and most importantly the community. I haven't really used GameEx extensively in a few months as I'm working on gathering parts, slowly but surly, for a new dedicated build, yet I'm on the forums every day to catch up on the goings on of the software and the community. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and happy holidays in the days to come!

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Well said guys. I'm truely thankful for many of the same things. Dad's had a rough year since last Thanksgiving. Triple-Bypass surgery a week before Christmas, and just a few weeks ago a post-surgery hernia repair. I feel his health is deminishing rapidly, and I only hope he can stay with us for many more years. I just don't know what I'd do since I still live at home. But, I'm thankful he's still with us. My job's not the greatest, and due to stress/anxiety I can only work 4 days a week, 6 hours a day. So being part-time doesn't really give me as much financial freedom as I'd like/need, let alone allow me to move out on my own. However, I DO have a job, for which I'm thankful for, being such a desperate economic time. I'm thankful I'm still alive, and have my health, given that this has been such a hard couple of years with the fire and all. I'm thankful I have family, and friends who care about me, even though a lot of times I forget that. I'm thankful for the GameEx community and all my friends I have here, you guys are the best.

So, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

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Way easier to just say Freq! LOL!

You guys are like my 2nd family. Thanks for everything, and enjoy your holiday. May you get fat beyond your wildest dreams, and may you stay the hell away from Black Friday deals... That Kinect/Vita/3DS/HDTV just isn't worth getting shot over. :)

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Ack. That game was the pits. I'm currently in line at GameStop. Not a big fan of the GameStop, but $63 Kinect and buy 2 get 1 free on used stuff (with rewards membership) makes it hard to say no. 2 more hours to go. Only 5 people ahead of me though! Meanwhile, across the street at Toys R Us the line is wrapped around the building and they've been open an hour. Consumerism at its second worst after the idiots at best buy who've been there since Monday.

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I missed Thanksgiving all together, had to work Wednesday and Thursday. Regardless, I'm thankful everyday for my family, good health, home and even though I hate it 89% of the time my job. And of course, GameEx and community. This place truly has the best knowledge from its members and support than any other forum or any other frontend. Thanks to all. Hope everyone had a great day.

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