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Stay away from the FLV's they are twice the size, only have them for hyperspin 1.0 support and that will not be for much longer and I will be removing them all together.

That's a project I need to do this weekend. Update my videos to MP4. With hard drives being as expesive as they are I need to conserve space.

Not only that but I have been working on this switch out for the last year,most sets have been re-edited, replaced, or added to and audio has been normalized completely across the board meaning every video from every set has the exact same audio levels now.

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For some strange reason the Sega 32X wasn't d/l'ing (working) correctly via the Dowload Sevice Utility as it thinks I don't have any files even thou I do. So I has to manually d/l via FTP and rename them all manually.

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Well I just registered for Fraps tonight and soon will be creating my own snaps and vids for some of the more obscure systems I have. When I complete them and thats when I will since I'm still in the process of working on this theme I will be more than happy to share them on emumovies.

Stay tuned ;)

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Quick question for those that have used the update. I've been using my own set built from EmuMovies content for my video previews for ages. When I built the set, I took the Horizontal, Vertical, Bezel, No Bezel, etc sets and combined them so I had a single "best" video out of all the sets. When you use the updater service, does it allow you to select what "best" is? Or, does it already do that automatically?

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Not sure I follow you Ben... The downloader matches the format you choose and downloads content based on your roms. All the videos are the same quality based on your chosen format.

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I want all of my videos to be in 4:3 to fit the aspect ratio the theme has set up. I also prefer that the videos have the artwork if available. But, last I checked, if a rom doesn't have artwork, it won't be in that collection. As such, there would be missing videos if I asked for just those in that collection. So, I have supplemented that set with horizontal ratio videos without artwork so that I have all roms with a preview video.

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Ben would it be to much to ask if you could upload your mame avi set to the emumovies ftp? I lost the artwork vids in a server crash a couple of years ago. If you have the hiquality ones i can fix them up in a new version and fill in the blanks and throw it up in a separate set again. But I would be more than happy to offer a plug-in video set for the 3:4 games.

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Gamesdbase runs off of the same content as the EmuMovies Download Service. I just updated all mame artwork on the site and Download service today to .144

I have not however got it on the FTP yet.

I ran the download utility yesterday and while it did download a bunch of stuff I am still noticing a lot of games that are up on the Games Database site but are not downloading. 720, many of the Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat, Discs of TRON, TRON too for that matter, I'm sure there are others I'm forgeting but my boy was up very early this morning shrieking about his teething so I'm not in the clearest state of mind...

ANYWAY :) If they're pulled from the same database are all the pics on the FTP yet or is there some other way to get them? I thought about just going to the games database site and dl-ing the ones I wanted but I'm not sure how much fiddling I'd have to do with naming and so forth. Plus there's the watermark on all the pics from that site that would be irritating.

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I looked on my file server last night and didn't see where I stored the files. I'll have to look on the cab to see if I kept the whole set there. Maybe the set was compressed? I searched for *.avi since I didn't locate it manually, but that didn't find them.

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