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As what the title says followed by the description. I want to know if there's full xinput support in the advance config for Gameex. I do not want to start up any 3rd party software just want to config my controller all through Gameex for each emulator I have that needs it. I do not want to use xpadder, pinnacle, x360ce app or any of the like. I am the kind of guy that likes things to be consistent with what i am working on. So please any info would be appreciated, thanks!


You just answered your own question... :(

I do not want to use xpadder, pinnacle, x360ce app or any of the like. I am the kind of guy that likes things to be consistent with what i am working on.

I don't understand what you're after, but there is an app similar to Joy2Key built into GameEx advanced emulator config. However if you didn't want to go that route, why not just configure your controller in the emulator itself? Not 100% on why you feel GameEx should handle your keymapping and not the emulator.

/end my 2c


For each emulator you're gonna have to set the controller up one way or the other. GameEx has handled most USB controllers (well 3 that I've thrown at it a 360, ps2 and logitec) and have had it work within the frontend without changing anything. These options can be changed though but I'm feeling a lot like Adultery, I'm not exactly sure what your looking for exactly.


Also, it might be good to know which emulators you plan to run. In some cases, you may not have any choice but to run a 3rd-party software in order to get the full benefit. I doubt you will find any front-end that is going to handle these chores for you without some sort of plug-in or 3rd-party application to support it.


I have to say what a half-ass job implementing just the face buttons and not the triggers and the bumpers alongside. why not the whole controller? I want to use the entire controller for my Dreamcast emulator but i can't now. I also would like to use Gameex's config for some Steam games that don't have controller support... like Shattered Horizon. Can Tom or one of you guys finish putting in the rest of the buttons and such?


What are you talking about dude?

I told you several posts ago that you can use the advanced emulator configuration to remap keystrokes to buttons.

GameEx recognizes all controller buttons including triggers. If not then its a problem with your controller/driver. Before you run your mouth, make sure you know what's coming out of it first.

Half assed job... pfft.


And by the way, if you don't like how we impliment things, go get xpadder or joy2key. Your reluctance to explore options or take suggestions is insulting, and your unwillingness to try a workaround is lazy.

You want it done differently, code it. There's a plugin system. Knock yourself out dude.


To be honest, the only thing that I see that is half-assed is your expectation of what a front-end should do for you, and your lack of self-control. You have been asked to let us know what emulators you intend to run as this is helpful in helping you to get things up an running.

As with any emulator front-end, it is not going to automatically set itself up for any and all programs & game pads that run through it - you are going to have to learn how to make modifications to make the software work for you. The purpose of this forum is to help you make the best of it when you get stuck. We cannot read your mind to know what emulators you intend to run or what game pads or other input devices you have for this.


I dont believe the advanced config supports analog controls but I am not quite sure how one is expected to map an analog control to a keypress. Maybe some keyboards detect the depth of your press ;)

(Thats what she said..)

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