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Hey guys.

I'm working on a new theme and I noticed that Custom Menus needs work. Can it be made so that it specifies what page displays on each menu? For example...

When I go in to GameEx, the start page comes up. Then I select Console Games, and it's still the start page. Then I select Nintendo, still the start page. Then I select Nintendo NES and the emubak comes up.

So what I was hoping for is this:

Gameex start page on opening. Select Console Games, the emulator select screen comes up. (emulatorselectbak.png)

Or if I go to the Jukebox menu, have jukeboxbak.png come up on that list. I currently have radio, boxee, and the jukebox here.

Or better still (and I may be really stretching here), select Console Games, and emulatorselectbak comes up, then select Nintendo and have NintendoBak.png come up (I know its an extra page, but it would be a really nice touch).

Maybe you could have a way to tell gameex what page to display (like a pull-down list with all the baks listed, kinda like emubaks work) and users could really customize the snot out of their menus.

Otherwise I feel like I'm making pages for nothing, since half of them never even come up.

Responses welcome! ;)


Are you enabling the Custom Backgrounds within each emu via the Setup Wizard?


The emubaks are working. It's the sub menus that don't change at all.

Like this:

Start is startbak.png

Console games menu is startbak.png*

Nintendo consoles is startbak.png*

Nintendo SNES is snesbak.png

The two starred ones are the ones I wanna change. Similar to the way I can use custom emubaks, I'd like to specify menu bg screens.

So like this instead:

Start menu is startbak.png

Console Games is emulatorselectbak.png

Nintendo Consoles is nintendobak.png

SNES is snesbak.png

Does that make sense? :)


Gotcha - yeah they stay with whatever the Start menu has loaded. Would like to see sub menus from Start with their own backgrounds/foregrounds if enabled as well.


You beat me too it Adultery was going to say something about that as it really makes sense and needed feature to help improve our themes. Also need a custom background for the GameEx Arcade as well would be nice too. It only makes sense that it too should be able to be skinned/themed per say. (I know I have mentioned this before) biggrin.gif


I do agree that there should be an arcadebak.png for sure. Of course if custom menus supported custom page assignments, this wouldn't be an issue... Well maybe it would since that would technically be an emubak.

Either way, thanks Drac and Krak for the +1. I'm glad I'm not the only anal retentive themer here! Lol!


Sounds like a good feature +1 from me too :)


Yes, the Custom Menus use the same Menu backgrounds that GameEx has defined for the normal menus. If it's an unknown menu, it uses the start background (as I was told by Tom when he released the feature in 10.02). It looks like I was so new, I didn't add a feature request for it... So... +1 to this request!


Thanks ehounder. Hopefully it's something that can be easily added in. :)

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