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[RESOLVED] Ebooks...


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Hey guys, I have a few books I'd like to read in GameEx. They're not PDF's though, but rather just jpg's in a zip/rar. Is the eBook reader in GameEx the best way to view them, or would I be ahead trying something else. What I'd really like to be able to do is read the books without having to extract the 100+ pages into a folder, then just browsing through it like a slide show in Media Player.

I know a program called ACDSee had the ability to browse within a rar/zip without extracting it, and would let you view the individual images that way, but I'd like to be able to do it in GameEx. Any Ideas?

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I use Adobe Acrobat. :)

Well well well, you adopted an "institutional" solution! Or an official one, if I can say so.

Maybe too heavy for a PDF manager. You seem to run a relatively recent machine. Mine is an old crap. Sometimes I feel lucky I can run GameEx without problems...

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It should handle comic book format too which might be the same as your describing.

Well, these aren't in any special format (isn't the comic book format in something like a .cb extension or something?). These are just jpg's in a zip. I have 2 of them. They're books about photography. The website I got them from said that the JPG format is better for their examples, since they involve user interaction with editing in photoshop, etc. I'd just like to read it, and do the editing stuff perhaps at a later time. I haven't actually tried to view them through GameEx yet, haven't even really setup the path. Just thought I'd ask before I try and become upset because it didn't work.

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Oh, humor us. Try it then become upset (or delighted if it does work). Generally, if they are png, jpg, gif, etc., you should not try loading it with the ebook reader as they are image files - totally different format. If you want to "read" them via ebook reader, then you need to convert the files to the intended format.

I don't think I would ask if it was possible to use Winamp to read a pdf file. It is not intended for that.

"This is my rifle. This is my gun. This is for fighting. This is for fun." Leon Uris "Battle Cry"

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"This is my rifle. This is my gun. This is for fighting. This is for fun." Leon Uris "Battle Cry"

I prefer the quote from Stewie Griffin "Family Guy". :)

Anyway, I'm just wondering what other people thought would be the best way to do it. I'm probably not going to bother with converting it to a PDF (for the previous mentioned reason). I thought perhaps the built in ebook reader could take a zip file, and run the images inside in some sort of book format. I'll still try this theory out. Was just curious if there were some other way to do this (maybe even a 3rd party application I could link THROUGH GameEx would be cool). I'd just like to be able to sit back in my bed and read it, without having to sit up at the computer desk and read through hundreds of pages. :)

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I thought perhaps the built in ebook reader could take a zip file, and run the images inside in some sort of book format. I'll still try this theory out. Was just curious if there were some other way to do this (maybe even a 3rd party application I could link THROUGH GameEx would be cool).

Basically, what you're talking about sounds a lot like a .cbz. It's a zip which contains an ordered set of images in reading layout (most commonly used for comic books - a .cbr is the same thing in a .rar format). GameEx has supported cbz and cbr for a while (although I have yet to try it). I'm with the fellas, try it out and see what happens. If it doesn't work try changing the extension to .cbz. Nothing to lose!

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Why are you so dead set against converting these to pdf? It takes the guess work out and it's super easy to do. I convert FAQs to PDF all the time.

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Alright Alright, I'm just lazy ok! Plus, I've been kinda ill lately, and not really felt like doing much of anything. I haven't really had the energy to want to spend a lot of time trying to figure out something like this. It takes a lot for me just to get up and visit the forum. I'm going to try it, I was just wanting to know what other people thought.

@null; I know you say you haven't tried it yet, but do you know what naming format the images need to be in? Like, do they just have to be ###.jpg, or something like Page###.jpg? If you don't know, that's cool. I'd just like to try to get it all setup right so it works the first time without having to mess around too much. :)


Sorry guys if it seems like I'm just a drag on the forum. Seems like most stuff I try to help with or ask for help with ends up being a source for negativity towards me. I don't know what it is. You all say it's nothing personal or anything, and yet I'm always getting this feeling I'm not really wanted. Perhaps it would be best if I just sorta disappear for awhile again. I don't really want to do that, because this is such a great community. Maybe it's just because I'm sick, and my depression is acting up again. It just looks like you guys would be happier if I wasn't around, bugging you, giving bad troubleshooting suggestions, accidently blabbing about piracy, etc.

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Okay... Stop thinking like that Han. Any negativity you've attracted was due to negative actions on your part. I suppose we just expect more from you since you know the ropes already. Speaking on illegal activities wasn't OK before, and it isn't now. We have a job to do, and that job involves defining grey areas. You just happened to be the one who exposes them is all. And you tend to stick pretty close to that line. Like Drac said, if you think you shouldn't mention something, don't mention it.


Contrary to what you think, no one was trying to be snippy with you. However, understand that we're more or less a community that helps you fix things. If you have something new you want to try, just try it. No offense, but trying to get things "just right" without doing anything first is kind of lazy, as most (if not all) of us learn by trial and error. Then we come to the forum when we get stuck. Maybe someone can help you tweak what you already know... That's where we shine. Saying "I want to try this new thing" and not actually trying it (it almost seems like you want someone else to do the work) is not what we're about here.

An example: You made a thread that you were having errors and maybe you should reboot. Then you rebooted and it worked. Honestly it probably took you twice as long to write that post as it did for you to reboot. Try it first, do what you think you need to do, then if it doesn't work ask for help. Rebooting is GameEx 101 (or Computers 101 even). I know you're a smart guy, but why wouldn't you go with your gut first? Just sayin. :)


I'm not sure why you think everyone is out to drive you away. We like to keep everyone happy, within reason. That's not at all what I see when I read your posts, or any of the member responses (believe me, if I don't post in a thread it doesn't mean I don't read it. I'm here several times a day every day). Maybe the problem isn't so much you're not being treated like the rest of us, and more that the HanSolo I know finds problems and fixes them. Lately it almost seems like you don't care to find and fix anything, you'd rather make suggestions and hope someone else tries them before you do.

Slow down, take a breath, and it'll be OK. It's nice to have you around man. At the same time, don't expect people to handle your "dirty work" for you. Know what I mean? ;)

By the way...

Change that yourbook.zip file to yourbook.cbz (cbz=comic book zip) and it'll work fine using most comic book readers.

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So I went ahead and tried it. I added a path to the books in GameEx setup wizard and tried to load it up. Didn't work. The screen just goes to "Please Wait" and animates while it's doing "SOMETHING". It never really does anything but just sit there. I waited like 5 minutes and nothing happened. So I closed out and tried to rename the .zip to .cbz (since I guess cbz is comicbook zip and cbr is comicbook rar). Tried it again; same thing happened. The built in ebook reader apparently doesn't work for my particular file (not to say it doesn't work for other people's situations).

So I browsed around the forum, and came up with a workable solution.


I downloaded the program called "CDisplay" which does exactly what I need to do, it displays the images in a zip folder sequentially, full screen, without having to unzip first. Set it up in GameEx as an emulator. I can now open up the book directly, and navigate around it using my controller. Works perfectly. The only downsides are; (1) Because it's an emulator, it takes a while to load the emulator databases before starting to display the list (2) I can't have the books in separate folders, for instance; I have 3 books on photography in a /photography subfolder, and like 20 on photoshop in a /photoshop subfolder. If I point the emulator rom path to /books then it displays them all, not in a sortable subfolder structure. Would be great if I could go into /books and then see a /photoshop and /photography subfolder. The built in eBook solution in GameEx did this great, but didn't work with the books.

So NOW can I ask for some solutions? I'm cool with it the way it is, and will mark this as resolved. I'd like to have some way to subfolder sort it though. Aside; I've enabled the "scan subfolders" option in the emulator, that way it lists the files.

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Instead of loading as an emulator, try loading as an external application. That way the app maintains the control for the media and you don't have a DB loading thaty isn't necessary. You may have to tweak it a bit and, as Adultery said about getting stuck along the way, let us know and we will try to help if we can.

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I downloaded the program called "CDisplay" which does exactly what I need to do, it displays the images in a zip folder sequentially, full screen, without having to unzip first. Set it up in GameEx as an emulator. I can now open up the book directly, and navigate around it using my controller. Works perfectly. The only downsides are; (1) Because it's an emulator, it takes a while to load the emulator databases before starting to display the list (2) I can't have the books in separate folders, for instance; I have 3 books on photography in a /photography subfolder, and like 20 on photoshop in a /photoshop subfolder. If I point the emulator rom path to /books then it displays them all, not in a sortable subfolder structure. Would be great if I could go into /books and then see a /photoshop and /photography subfolder. The built in eBook solution in GameEx did this great, but didn't work with the books.

Sweet! Glad you got it working! In a weird sort of way managing your books in a sortable sub-folder structure sort of ties into the 'playlist' functionality that a number of us have inquired about in feature requests. It would certainly tie right into grouping your books however you see fit.

As an aside, I really, really dig ComicRack as my preferred comic reader, primarily due to the highly customizable interface and library features. I also started with CDisplay, but switched to ComicRack and haven't looked back. I was going to suggest it earlier, but wasn't sure that was the option you were looking for. Due to it's extended library features you could set it up as an external app and let it handle the organization of your books. It wouldn't be as clean as having everything centralized in GameEx, but ComicRack is one sweet app.

Sorry guys if it seems like I'm just a drag on the forum. Seems like most stuff I try to help with or ask for help with ends up being a source for negativity towards me. I don't know what it is. You all say it's nothing personal or anything, and yet I'm always getting this feeling I'm not really wanted. Perhaps it would be best if I just sorta disappear for awhile again. I don't really want to do that, because this is such a great community. Maybe it's just because I'm sick, and my depression is acting up again. It just looks like you guys would be happier if I wasn't around, bugging you, giving bad troubleshooting suggestions, accidently blabbing about piracy, etc.

Time for a boost of confidence. I think it's awesome having you around, and I like reading your posts. You've got a lot of enthusiasm about GameEx and the community, and I think that's really positive. I think part of what you're feeling may be partly due to the fact that you're such a prolific poster (which can also be a good thing, and in your case I think it is). The thing is, when you are a large volume poster on any forum, some of your posts are going to be very well received, and some of them aren't. That's just the law of averages. I think all of our high volume posters on this forum have been taken down a peg or two on occasion. To quote every mafia movie ever made, "It's not personal, it's just business." Don't let it get you down man. It's just the interwebz. :D

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+1's to what both Adultery and nullPointer said. Since going back to work I have much less time to spend in the forums trying to help others out, work on my own projects, be a hubby, be a daddy to my fur babies, etc. I'd like to use that time to catch up on what's goijng on and focus more on the new users having problems than the old salts.

You are a more than capable user and, while not always right, you attempt to help which is more than what most of the rest that frequent here do (not saying anything bad about anyone, but there are those that are drive-by users that come in for a quick fix and you never see them again until something else happens). I am not always right either and it just is what it is!

Because you are more capable, I have higher expectations for you. Take that as a compliment! I will admit to getting a little cagey when you post as Adultery said, almost as if to expect someone else to do it. This may not be the intent but it is how it comes across. I appreciate your contributions and your attempts to help others - right or wrong! So suck it up, Buttercup! :P

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Thanks guys, you really know how to make a poor man feel more welcome. God I hate being sick; everything looks dull and gray, and it looks like everybody is against you. I know you guys don't mean to be negative at me; I just take it that way because I'm not feeling my usualness. Plus, it doesn't help it's been raining the last 2 days, it's cold, and I have a headache. :P

@null; You mention ComicRack has library functions... Is that to say that you just configure ComicRack to find your books, then you can browse them from within the program? That sounds very helpful in my case, so I can keep my system better organized. Also, since you apparently use it, can you tell me how well it integrates with GameEx? Does it work with controllers/arrow mapping, and have some kind of full screen menu system so you don't have to use the mouse?

@Draco; I never thought of using it as an external application. I just went with what somebody else had already done. To be honest, I've not really done any kind of external app setup before... Can I configure it to list things to load, like the emulator, or is it just a one-shot command line to launch a program and thats it?

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@null; You mention ComicRack has library functions... Is that to say that you just configure ComicRack to find your books, then you can browse them from within the program? That sounds very helpful in my case, so I can keep my system better organized. Also, since you apparently use it, can you tell me how well it integrates with GameEx? Does it work with controllers/arrow mapping, and have some kind of full screen menu system so you don't have to use the mouse?

Yes, you configure ComicRack to find your books through its library manager, and you can then browse them from within the program. As far as how well it integrates with GameEx, I couldn't really say. I mostly use GameEx on my HTPC, and I don't like doing a lot of reading on my TV so I don't have ComicRack on that system. I do have both on my laptop, but again I've never tried to integrate them since it's easier to just launch ComicRack than it is to launch GameEx and then ComicRack for the purposes of my laptop. I can fiddle around with it if it would be helpful.

ComicRack does have configurable keys within the reader, but they're in the form of a dropdown list so arrow mapping would work, but direct controller mapping not so much. I'd probably use something like Xpadder anyway so I could utilize controller macro combinations. As for the Library manager, it's more similar to the library management in Windows 7 (with several specialized features) than it is to a launcher like GameEx. Once again I think something like Xpadder would be your friend in this capacity so that your controller could act like a mouse for the purposes of browsing the Library. Also worth noting is that for GameEx, the External Applications setup in the Wizard has a setting for Emulate Mouse, so that might also be a winning combination (that Tom, he thinks of everything!)

It's worth mentioning that ComicRack is extendable through scripts and plugins. I haven't messed with them at all, so there may be something out there to enable the missing features you describe.

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Just a quick FYI - the eBook reader can read .cbr,. .cbz, and does a pretty decent job. As noted before in a few other threads, there is interest in being able to read two pages side-by-side which would be a nice enhancement

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Yeah I downloaded a cbz to see if it would at least work. I don't know why it just seemed to hang when I tried to do it with my photography ebook. It's probably because comics are only (at most) 25 or so pages, and this book is over 100. Probably takes a while to render everything out with the ghost script thing Tom is using.

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If you decide to go with ComicRack as an External App, I found something that might be helpful to you. As I mentioned ComicRack supports custom scripts and plug-ins. Here's a user created plug-in that creates a 'cover-flow' type view for your library.

CoverFlow in Info Panel

This would probably be closer to something you could scan through with simple navigation, as opposed to mouse navigation.

OK I'm done adding additional posts to a [RESOLVED] topic (sorry). :unsure: This probably became more of a 'Social Club' thread a few posts ago anyway. :P

Good luck han!

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