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Sad news today :(


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Aww, man I'm sorry to hear that. Lost our boxer to a heart problem unexpectedly last year and it was horrible to go through. I don't cry much but that got me for sure. Layla was every bit a family member as my wife and kids are. :(

We did end up adopting a new German Shepard puppy from Friends of Noah though, that was rescued on D-Day from a kill shelter. So good things can come of the loss of a loved one.

I feel for ya bro, and my heart goes out to you and your family.

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Sorry to hear about Calvin. We have lost several fur babies over the last 3 years and the waterworks still occur on occasion. One was a chocolate point Siamese named Locksley and a black 7 tan Chihuahua named Verdi. Both had very distinct personalities and loved us at our best and worst.

We have since added Zoey (a fawn colored Chihuahua) and Duncan (a Snowshoe cat) to our menagerie. They will never replace but they do fill some of the hole left behind by the others passing and are loved every bit as much!

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Sorry to hear about your loss Krakerman. It's always hard to put down a pet, because they can't express their pain as easily as humans can. My payers are with you and your family during this time of sorrow.

We've been lucky a number of times with 1 of our cats, "Tippie". When he was really young, there would be some nights where he was just screaming at the top of his lungs, and we didn't know what was wrong. Took him to the vet, found out he had Urinary Track problems, where his food was causing his urine to crystalize (YOU try peeing out like "frozen" pee). It was kinda like he had kidney stones, but not exactly. That was our first close call. The 2nd one was just here in the last few months. He was always a really heavy cat, like 30 pounds I think. When he walked, his belly dragged just a half inch above the floor. Then all of a sudden, he started throwing up a LOT. He lost all his weight and now just has a sack of skin hanging, along with very obvious bones (kinda like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers). We thought it might have been cancer, or thyroid, or allergies to fleas. We've had a really rough flea season this year, and he's covered in scratches and patches where he's scratched his fur down to skin. But, since this is the 2nd close call, he's doing much better now. We got some anti-flea pills and he actually took 2 of them. He's not scratching, so his fur is starting to grow back. He's not throwing up anymore, and he's started eating again. He's at least 12 years old (in human years), and we have his litter mate brother too, only he's not had any problems at all. We feel blessed that he's still with us, and he shows his appreciation all the time buy cuddling up in our laps, purring, etc.

I hope you and your family can recover from your loss and wish you the best.

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Thanks for all the kind words guys we appreciate it :D We had another cat that was 18 years old that we put down last year and it never comes easy when you have to make that decision to put them down, but it was the right decision as the quality of life and the pain they go thru we just couldn't bear to put them thru that. Amazing how pets have an effect on you and your family ... as they are a very big part of your family just like your very own kids. As me and my wife don't have any kids, but these animals are pretty close to being just that.

@Adultery and @Draco I'm very sorry for your losses as well.:(

Anywayz they will live on in our hearts and won't be forgotten.

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That's what's really important. Let their memories live on and never forget how much they loved you and were always there when you were down.

We even got an urn for Layla and not a single day goes by I don't miss her. :)

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^^Kids you mean, right? You can train any pet to do anything. My puppy already knows 20 tricks to impress company. ;)

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