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Xbox LIVE Matches


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I was thinking that it might be kinda fun if those of us with Xbox 360's could meet via Xbox LIVE sometime for a private match in a game everyone might have. My faves are the Call of Duty games, as well as any of the Halo games. What games do you have and what might you be interested in playing online against one another or as "Clan GameEx" against others?

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Sounds like fun; I play Halo Reach for a few hours on the nights I have off from work. I play with 2 Canadian buddies, the one guy is the one who donated to me $20 after the fire. Invite me as a friend if you want. I'll probably be on tonight (Wednesday, 17th) in about an hour (10:30'ish EST).

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Anyone from here is welcome to friend me on Xbox Live - Draco1962 same as here. I probably will nto be able to make it tonight (keeps the missus awaake before work in the morning) so might best for me is usually Friday evening through early Sunday evenings.

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Yes that sounds like alot of fun playing against my fellow GameEx'ers :D

I don't have the Halo series at all thou (Can get them pretty cheap these days at Gamestop might pick me up a used copy), but I do have the Battlefield and Call of Duty series of games. I'd say I have around 40 XBox 360 games and alot more of the downloadable XBox Live Arcade games as well like Geometry Wars 1 & 2 and Pac-Man DX ect ect...

I'll send ya friend request by this weekend Draco!

Anyone have a Wii maybe we can play against each other on that system as well with the likes of Super Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros Brawl :P

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@Krakerman: I'm always down for some Mario Kart! I'll add my Wii friend code in the morning.

@ K-man and Adultery: count me in on some Mario Kart! I'll get my code to you guys also if you want to add me.

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I know right? :) I don't even own a WII. I added Adultery77 and Draco1962 as friends on Xbox, waiting for acceptance.

Here's my list of XB360 games I can play online:


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (offline?)

Grand Theft Auto IV

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Guitar Hero 5

Halo 3

Halo 3: ODST

Halo: Reach

Kung Fu Panda (offline?)

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

NCAA Football 09

NHL 09

Perfect Dark Zero

Project Gotham Racing 3

Rock Band 2

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (offline?)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition (offline)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (Uno, etc)

All my other games are *cough* backups (legit of course, read my fire topics about how Microsoft refused to replace them). I won't risk playing them online because of potential banning. MS is full of it; banning people for legit reasons to backup games, and not willing to replace damaged games from a fire...

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Sent a XBL Friend request @Draco and @Adultery

Be cool to get a 4 player game of Gauntlet! on XBL or even games like Pinball FX2, Outrun Arcade, Virtual-On OT or Hydro Thunder Hurricane.:D

There are so many cool games on XBL Arcade. Tonight I just D/L Toy Soldiers Cold War and the original Toy Soldiers as well. Check them out!

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Clan G-Ex to meet Saturday night at between 10:30-11PM EST for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on XBox Live. Figured we could use the half hour to get acquainted and get in a practice round or two before Clan G-Ex takes on the rest of the world in some Team Death Matches!

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Suckubus. Sorry I missed out you guys. Our third shift girl was a sick out and I had to work til 11 CST until my relief arrived. :(

The plight of a family business I guess. It was already midnight EST by the time I got home. Usually I'm home by 9:30 (10:30) but that will be pushing it for me. I hope you guys had fun though.

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Nobody else showed - well, Aaron showed but was on Halo Reach. I as there, all by my lonesome... :unsure: The bullets, the blood... how much can one take by themselves?

It was a good thing never-the-less, I got to kill a few, get killed a lot, and sort through getting my headset working properly, my Xbox moved to the firewall DMZ (otherwise, moderate NATting occurs). We will try again!

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Yeah I sent you a voice message, didn't know if you had actually got it or not. If you were having headset trouble, that would explain it. I was going to start up a private chat/party chat if other people showed up, but since you didn't reply to the message, I figured you were having some trouble.

@Adultery; I sent you a friend request, but I got a reply back that you didn't know who I was. Apparently one of your kids got it. Hopefully you'll still approve the request. My Xbox Live name is "ChewVodka".

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