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If you continue to use these images, I suggest using different colors whenever you have intersecting lines. Whenever I create training materials, I try to avoid intersecting lines as much as is possible, but if there is a point where that is unavoidable, I use a different color so the reader's eye is less likely to stray to the incorrect element.


Yeah, I tried my best to not use crossing lines too, it's just when you have a vertical orientation and a horizontal one, and you're mapping controls separately, it can't be avoided.


@han - Dude, I think those screens are pretty decent! I really like the idea of diagramming the button configurations to the emulated controller. Not an easy thing to do! Man I hear you about the Bandai Wonderswan. That thing is a pain in the butt to configure controls for, let alone diagram. Lastly, you're giving me way too much credit to say that I have more skill, maybe a bit more practice, but honestly I borrowed most of my inspiration from the other guys around here. Just out of curiosity do you still use that Saitek controller?


Yeah I love that controller. I originally got it because it had 6 action buttons, like the 6-button Sega Genesis controllers. I wanted to be able to play those games with ease, without having to remember that the C and Z buttons were mapped to some other strange buttons. The only thing that sucks is that it only has 1 shoulder button for each side (like the Super Nintendo and Gameboy Advance). This limits it's functionality to play other systems like the PlayStation. But I don't really need to emulate the PlayStation since I have a modded one that still works great. This controller also has ~RUMBLE~ which works great on the Nintendo 64 and Trackmania. Speaking of which; does anybody know if there's a quick way to change what device is plugged into the N64 controller so I can quickly go from rumble to the memory unit (using Project64). It also has a 'shift' button which would allow me to add an additional 12 keys to the already existing 12, but I've never had to use it.

On a side note; I'm no newbie to PhotoShop. My biggest hurdle is coming up with an idea. Here's an example of my work, building a custom box set to hold all my Disney DVD's (since the original boxes were destroyed in the fire):



Pretty good work, Han! So that the purpose of this thread doesn't get off-topic much further, I ask that discussions of game pad functionality, etc. be taken to another, more appropriate thread. I understand that we all get side-tracked and segue to another topic quite easily. That being said, there is really only this thread speaking to the topic of image and theme editing specifically and a great many addressing hardware and emulators.



All - I have updated the first post in this thread to include links to some of the more popular freeware imaging programs. If you have any good sites to recommend for well-supported imaging freeware or tutorial sites, please send me the information via PM so that I can track and add to the first post as able.


It's almost here... just a few minor tweaks and revisions!

The one with the Jukebox Visualization is mainly to highlight a simple trick of applying a bevel to the volume images, then horizontally flipping the image onto itself, creating a somewhat "3-D" effect.






It looks pimp Drac! Can't wait to take it for a test drive!



Submitted by: Draco1962

Theme Title: Hexed

Theme Type: HTPC

Theme Version: V4

Theme Resolution: 1920x1200

Theme Description: The name says it all.

Theme Features: Contains PhotoShop PSD and GIMP XCF files for easy screen creation. RSS Scroller, Date, Time, and Weather enabled on bottom info bar.

Date Submitted: 9/6/2011

Download URL: http://www.gameex.com/themes/Hexed.zip

Download Size: 108.5 MB

thumb_Hexed.jpg thumb_Hexed.jpg thumb_Hexed.jpg

Additional Notes: Thanks as always to Tom for his continued work and never ending new releases. Also to the users and staff that provided feedback as I tossed ideas into the ether for constructive feedback!


Ahh that will look nice in Hexed. Thanks Drac!


Well, Null... You inspired me! :)

I sat down to re-create my controller images. Here's what I came up with (I more or less made it just to fit my cab's theme, and I gotta say, it looks really nice on my 2nd monitor in GameExtender... I use a main one that matches my monitor's resolution and scaled it down for my 2nd monitor, so essentially I have two of every one). Now that the first one is done, I got about 29 more to go. This time around I'll save a PSD for each system so I don't have to recreate the template if I change emus or add extra controls.

Anyways... Thanks for the motivation! :)


All I can say is . . . Wow! . . . Those look amazing! Great work! The SMB aesthetic is absolutely brilliant! I'm really impressed. Glad that my meager efforts inspired you to produce such amazing results.

I'm still slowly slogging my way through controller screens for my console and handheld systems. IRL stuff has been biting me in the butt lately, so progress is slow.

Here's a question I've been pondering recently. I can use CPWizard for MAME, but I'm not really sure how to address controller screens for some of other arcade based systems (Naomi and Atomiswave spring to mind). I also don't have a good game plan for representing controller mapping on any of the 'computer-based' systems (Commodore, Amiga, MSX, etc). Any tips on producing controller mapping screens for these systems? Any chance of a preview?

  On 9/15/2011 at 4:26 PM, Adultery said:

Well, Null... You inspired me! :)

I sat down to re-create my controller images. Here's what I came up with (I more or less made it just to fit my cab's theme, and I gotta say, it looks really nice on my 2nd monitor in GameExtender... I use a main one that matches my monitor's resolution and scaled it down for my 2nd monitor, so essentially I have two of every one). Now that the first one is done, I got about 29 more to go. This time around I'll save a PSD for each system so I don't have to recreate the template if I change emus or add extra controls.

Anyways... Thanks for the motivation! :)

Guh :o GuhGUh :blink: Buh :o uhg :wacko: wow.

Mine just totally suck! Man I wish I had some better ideas. I might just havta steal yours. That works so much better, rather than drawing the lines. Kinda makes me wish I had a Xbox 360 controller for my PC now. I assume your 'advanced' controls are all thanks to the power of Xpadder? Thats a good idea.


@Null: I haven't set up cpanelviewer the way I like yet... I'll get back to you on that. I also don't have any computer-based systems on my rig, so I'm afraid I can't help there either. I would probably just map joysticks and use the keyboard if it were me.

@Han: Yeah, I use combo keys for Xpadder. There's a lot of controls I'd like to map, so having a 'shift' button is pretty awesome. Xpadder even takes it a step farther and the controller rumbles when I hold the shift button down (great for kids who are more likely to press something inadvertently).

The XBOX controllers work like a dream. They're so smooth and flawless I opted to put a second monitor in where my CP goes instead of building a CP. I haven't had a single regret on that. I left space for a spinner and a trackball though, as these will be added later this year. I'll also utilize the iPac to add filpper buttons for pinball. :)

No need to steal Han. I'll release the PSD as soon as I finish up. ;)

A shot of it in action if anyone wanted to see how it looks in-game:

I <3 GameExtender! :)


I love the in use image! That's sweet. I've tried to think about a monitor for controls where you have it, but I don't have room... But you've convinced me that it's worth it. I might have to break out my cabinet construction tools again... :)


On the plus side, they make LED monitors in pretty much any size and they're easy to install... Not to mention they look cool and company drools even harder with the extra coolness factor.

It makes me kinda sad that more people don't use GameExtender, it's one of the features that set gameex apart.


Once I get the "theme bug" outta my arse, I will probably set it up to display on the second monitor (and stealing your PSD for my personal use)!

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