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Coming along rather nicely... About 10 more emus to do and I'll move on to the media bar. :)


Again, looking very nice indeed! I like the lettering in the header (Wish I knew how to do that!)!


It's not too hard, just a combination of filters and a slight gradient. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Snowy, snowy night... Actually not so much here in Florida, just tinkering with multiple layered effects, gaussian blurs, inner bevels, etc.


Looks awesome! You'll have to teach me that one! :)


Lol! That looks great! Grab the pencil tool and throw on some hairline cracks! :)


I bought a 25' HDMI cable for use with my PC and I must say I love the look of some of the themes at 1080p! I have a Galaxy GeForce 440 video card which supports HDMI sound (nice that it installs the drivers for support - found under the Playback settings as long as the monitor is selected in display settings, I can choose to default to my PC speakers or the TV - SWEETNESS!).

I bought the BlueRigger High Speed HDMI cable with Ethernet (25 Feet) - Supports 3D and Audio Return [Latest Version] through Amazon.com for $11.95 + Shipping. This was much cheaper than buying the oft pushed Monster cable from Best Buy for almost 10 times that amount and a few feet shorter.

Hopefully this will allow me to improve and fine-tune future themes produced in the 1080p and 780p formats for HTPC. I am looking at putting together for my next few themes Media Center Studio format themes for Win 7 Media Center and theme related Windows Logon screen to accompany my GameEx themes as a complete package for those into the whole, cohesive Media Center experience.

  • 5 weeks later...

A new icon pack is on the horizon - likely will accompany a new 1920x1080p theme making use of the new view options... here are a few icon examples to start a few salivating.








I 're-imaged' adultery's mega mame theme, as I thought 'what-the-hell' and as his was mario based, I went for a certain hedgehog based theme. (my first 'full' theme)

I call is 'Sonicd'. What I found brillaint with Draco & Adultery is that with thier PSD's, you can re-use layer effects for your own themes. Also by using the 'bounders' layer made the theme look more polished.



LOL! When I hear the word "Sonic'd" I conjure thoughts of joining the "Light-Year High Club" in a twirling blue box with one of the Doctor's companions and, well.. you know where this leads besides way off topic!:blink:

I have only recently (last few themes and logo packs) begun to really appreciate the uses of the PSDs. Glad you have found them useful! I look forward to seeing the theme in action!


That's awesome and it sucks all at once!! It looks great except for that schmutz on the screen there... Oh wait. That's Sonic!! LOL!

All prodding aside, it looks great T-Jay! I'm glad you found the PSD useful! Adapting for your cab is the exact reason I put them in all my themes. :)

Big up!


As you said in the 'Cabinets running GameEx' topic -

Once you run out of money you'll turn to skinning, then you'll resort to tweaking... It's a vicious cycle my friend

Yup, Damn you!!!!!!!!! :D

The great thing is with psd's, the arcade art library (spritesheets included!) and Google is you can add/change stuff!

Now...where do I stick 'snonicd' for others to see? (CLEAN ANSWERS ONLY! :P )

On a side note, a doctor who theme for Game Ex? Ooh... (wheres my doctor who photos?) is this allowed?

<OFF TOPIC> Well, if we are going by Rory, Amy and their 'child' River Song they already have made the 'Light-Year High Club'! (in a bunk bed, a bed with a ladder - almost as cool as bow ties)


Don't get me started on Matt Smith (he needed to stay in the Pandorica longer... he came out half-baked). Outside of Jon Pertwee, the best Doctors have been Eccleston and Tennant by far. A Doctor Who theme would be cool. I have played around with idea a bit. My image ideas would be Doctor-Neutral and center more around the Tardis.

  On 12/4/2011 at 12:16 AM, Draco1962 said:

Don't get me started on Matt Smith (he needed to stay in the Pandorica longer... he came out half-baked). Outside of Jon Pertwee, the best Doctors have been Eccleston and Tennant by far. A Doctor Who theme would be cool. I have played around with idea a bit. My image ideas would be Doctor-Neutral and center more around the Tardis.

Off topic - but no Tom Baker love!? (or even Pat Troughton)? Blasphemy! :D Completely agree on Tennant though.


They are OK, but Jon Pertwee was my first Doctor when I started watching in the early 70's.


Ah, your first always staands out! My is Baker (Tom), he's my first! then Troughton/Tennant only because if the series were given to lesser actors the show would have died TWICE!

Ok... back on track regarding a Whovian theme- My first thought would be the background being the 'vortex' the use of the Seal of Rassilon, as I was thinking of the theme name to be 'The Theme of Rassilon' and use TARDIS and iconic enemies of the Doctor, as sad as I am I also have the SFX of Doctor Who - the temptaion of Game-Ex opening up with the TARDIS landing (brakes on obviously) is too much! :P

Even sadder - I also have the list of fonts used by Dr who since 1963, I need to get out more. :blink:

In regard to image/theme editing were is the best place to look for PSD effects?


I actually use GIMP as my image editor of choice, although Adultery keeps trying to drag me over to the dark side known as Adobe. Google has been my best friend so far as finding decent scripts, patterns, and overlays for my theming needs. I usually save my stuff twice - once as an .xcf file (The GIMP equivalent of a .psd) and .psd file). I like the use of patterns and overlays (what's the difference - patterns are usually laid atop something whereas an overlay resides on top - HOWEVER, if you are using .xcf or .psd and depending on the transparency of the layer containing the pattern, you can make an overlay a pattern and a pattern an overlay!

That would not be bad, however, when I think of Rassilon, my thoughts go more to Gallifrey and less with the tardis. I believe I did use the tardis - brakes on - for one of my earlier themes starts.


Slow goings on making them dress up my cab Draco!

Honest tho. These are crazy awesome! Keep em flowing!

  • 2 weeks later...

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