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I've just installed GameEX to use it in W7MC as gaming frontend for Dolphin, VirtuaNES and PC games (to make it easier for my kid). All settings are in place and solution is pretty much working, but I gut stuck with couple if issues that i need to clarify. So could you please help me with following questions:

1. Is it possible to make All Games view as only view in GameEX, meaning that GameEX will show only this view instead of main view when I'm opening it and will go back to Media Center when GameEX is closed?

RESOLVED - 2. Is it possible to make game thumbnails bigger and have something similar to thumbnail strip in Media Browser - I believe it will look really cool? I saw the are quite many themes that might do the trick, but honestly I'm a bit afraid to install them to not mess things up after such a long setup :)

RESOLVED - 3. I already have Daemon tool on my PC. Is it possible to make GameEx work with it instead of native app that was installed out-of-the-box? Having 2 different disk emulators on same PS is too much :)

RESOLVED - 4. Another problem is automatic disk mounting in Daemon tool for PC games. I found one script on the forum that does the trick, but it uses Autoit tool and I don't really like an idea to have another resident application in memory (I already have too many). I don't need ESC functionality to exit PC games, normal exit procedure should be fine, so probably there is a way to do it without AutoIt?

RESOLVED - 5. And there's one more thing that came to my mind. All preinstalled demos had really nice video backgrounds, but all my Gamecube roms are having black background and gray squares instead of thumbnails. Is it possible to fetch thumbs/video backdrops from some web service (lime themoviedb.org for movies) or i need to find these things manually?

I assume these topics were already described in this forum but I wasn't able to find the answers and will be really grateful if you will explain me these issues or give some links to related materials.

Thank you,



Hi Kozyura and welcome to the GameEx forums! I will attempt to address some of your questions and others are free to jump in.

1. Is it possible to make All Games view as only view in GameEX, meaning that GameEX will show only this view instead of main view when I'm opening it and will go back to Media Center when GameEX is closed?

What I would recommend is getting acquainted with GameEx for a bit before adventuring to some changes. Regarding this question, there is a two-fold strategy I would recommend but it is going to take some experience under your belt first and, as always, we are here to help. My recommendations are as follows:

- Enable multiple GameEx login support. You will notice that there is a utility under the root GameEx directory named Login.exe. This allows you to create multiple GameEx logon IDs. Once you have them setup, you may use this to access GameEx instead of GameEx.exe through the ID. This will allow you to use themes, custom menus, etc. setups for each ID you create. A separate configuration will be saved for each Logon ID you create. I would recommend that the Admin ID be setup to have full access to all features so that you can make changes as necessary.

- Enable custom menus - There is also an application called Custom Menus. While you can enable and disable many options in GameEx, You may want to consider a custom menu specific for your child that will have only a few options available.

2. Is it possible to make game thumbnails bigger and have something similar to thumbnail strip in Media Browser - I believe it will look really cool? I saw the are quite many themes that might do the trick, but honestly I'm a bit afraid to install them to not mess things up after such a long setup :)

Game snaps (static or video) are actually fairly reasonable size already. I might need a visual example of what you are talking about to ensure that I am advising you correctly about the correct image to which you are referring. Can you provide a screen image copy and attach in reply to this with a little more detail? Thanks!


Thanks for prompt reply. I'll play around with custom menus, let's see how fast i'll start shouting for help :)

Regarding thumbnails - I was thinking to make something similar to first screenshot from here http://www.mediabrowser.tv/gallery (with usual suspects cover). I'm using media browser as movie frontend, so it would be really great to have some kind of consistency if it is possible.



Thanks for prompt reply. I'll play around with custom menus, let's see how fast i'll start shouting for help :)

Regarding thumbnails - I was thinking to make something similar to first screenshot from here http://www.mediabrowser.tv/gallery (with usual suspects cover). I'm using media browser as movie frontend, so it would be really great to have some kind of consistency if it is possible.


Andriy - Because of the structure of GameEx, it will not emulate the kind of thumbnail display you get with media browser. There are options, however, in the Change View that allow you to cycle through displaying static and video snaps in the background (replaces the theme on that page), as an image (again, static or video snap) instead of a verbal list, etc. That would be the closest I think that you will come to what you are seeking.



- Enable multiple GameEx login support. You will notice that there is a utility under the root GameEx directory named Login.exe. This allows you to create multiple GameEx logon IDs. Once you have them setup, you may use this to access GameEx instead of GameEx.exe through the ID. This will allow you to use themes, custom menus, etc. setups for each ID you create. A separate configuration will be saved for each Logon ID you create. I would recommend that the Admin ID be setup to have full access to all features so that you can make changes as necessary.

- Enable custom menus - There is also an application called Custom Menus. While you can enable and disable many options in GameEx, You may want to consider a custom menu specific for your child that will have only a few options available.

I did one more user account for trial needs and started to play around with custom menus, but i didn't really understood what account i'm actually changing and does changes are actually applying :) for example I removed Home Page menu from Custom Menu editor, but nothing has been changed. Is there some manual about custom menus creation? Could you please also tell me how to back up my current setup and roll back to it after i'll mess everything up? :)



If you copy your Gameex\config directory to another location all should be fine and you can copy it back. GameEx will default to the last login so you will need to logout to go into another account. ALso, when using custom menus, there is a check block that has to be selected to "Use Custom Menus."

Unfortunately no manual available. That is why I recommend getting used to the feel and layout of the program defaults before venturing forward with custom menu changes.


I tried to make custom menu and got the note that this feature is only available in registered version :) So now circle is closed - i can't buy application before trying it and at same time can't try it :) So could you please tell me is it really possible to remove start page and open gameex directly in all games list? It's quite important feature for me because i will never have more than 30 games alltogether, so start menu is unnecessary for me.


This can be done or I would not suggest it. Try it for a year and if you are not convinced of the software's ability to meet your needs, then you have lost little.


Allright, I've played around with application and figured out how to show game art and mount images in daemon tool with *.bat files. Application itself is really great as gaming frontend so I'll donate and stick with it.

As a next step I want to remove virtual clonedrive since I already have Daemon tool installed. Could you please tell me what is the purpose of having it preinstalled and what will happen if I'll uninstall it? In my opinion it's not needed because PC games are mounted in Daemon tool through *.bat files and Gamecube games are mounted by Dolphin (at least I think so :)). So would it be safe to remove it or I'll mess things up and will be doomed to go through all configs again :)

And another thing is removing start menu. I've played around with UI and strongly decided to remove it (sorry :)). Could you please give me a tip in what way custom menu should be made in order to remove it?



As a next step I want to remove virtual clonedrive since I already have Daemon tool installed. Could you please tell me what is the purpose of having it preinstalled and what will happen if I'll uninstall it? In my opinion it's not needed because PC games are mounted in Daemon tool through *.bat files and Gamecube games are mounted by Dolphin (at least I think so :)). So would it be safe to remove it or I'll mess things up and will be doomed to go through all configs again :)

You may uninstall Virtual Clone Drive same as you would any other application without a problem. It is an optional install upon initial installation of GameEx and is not integral to it unless you are using it as your ISO mounting app.

And another thing is removing start menu. I've played around with UI and strongly decided to remove it (sorry :)). Could you please give me a tip in what way custom menu should be made in order to remove it?

Once you have purchased your license and installed the license key, it will be much easier to guide you through setting up your Custom Menus. I will be glad to do so once you confirm this has been done! B)


I've finally unlocked my GameEx so we can proceed with menu tweaking :)

And also I got one more issue - is it possible to disable ESC key when I'm running PC games? In most of the games ESC goes to menu, but in my case game is closed right after menu is shown.



You can change the mapping your emulator uses to exit under the Advanced Configuration for the emulator and set "Map Keys" to "False".


You can change the mapping your emulator uses to exit under the Advanced Configuration for the emulator and set "Map Keys" to "False".

Thanks for the tip, now it's fine



Good news, Andriy! I am going to mark this thread as resolved. I know you still have outstanding questions regarding the use of Custom Menus. I would like to point you to this thread I started a while back that may get you started on the journey to creating and managing Custom Menus. Once you have had a chance to review the thread, load up the Custom Menus application and respond in there with any questions you may have.

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