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Quitting smoking sucks more than smoking!


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After a full 5 days of not smoking, I decided it wasn't worth it. Welcome to Adultery's house of epic fail!

I knew there was a problem when I had zero motivation to play with the cabinet. :(

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hey what did everyone decide to kick butts this week? im happy to say I have been cigarette free for 7 days now.though I should stay off the internet while quitting,I snapped at so many ppl on 1up.com they hit me with a 48 hr ban! LMAO

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Way to go, Dave! Last time I quit cold turkey I felt like a monster until I got past the first week. By week 3 felt like my energy was way up. Maybe I will start tomorrow and Mike (Adultery) will give it another go.

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Thanks Draco! There might be my advantage I didnt go cold turkey.I have been doing this for about a year,I went from almost a pack a day to 15,13,11,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,a day to none.so far so good!

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I may be willing to try again if my doc will give me the Chantix. Cold turkey sucks. It wasn't the cravings either (I didn't have any at all). It was all the free time and the void I had to fill with Werther's candy that drove me bonkers. :) 1 1/2 packs a day for 18+ years is a hard habit to break!

More power to ya mesk, but even my own kids asked me to start smoking again because I wasn't any fun. I was also finding myself resenting customers just for asking for cigarettes!

Oh, and +1 for 1up.com (even if they banned ya azz!)

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My Mom just quit after smoking for 50+ years. She had throat cancer 5 years ago, but that didn't stop her. Last year she had a Laryngectomy

The only way that she could smoke now is if she put a cigarette to the permanent hole (Stoma) that she has in her throat.

The good news is that she spends so much time now on maintaining her stoma that she really doesn't have time to smoke.

The bad news is that she can't talk.

I hope that this inspires at least one of you to quit.

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I see lots of people smoke through that hole in their throat at work and it saddens me, but I do like me some Camel Wides... It's a tough call. I lost a family member to liver failure but I still drink. Maybe I'm just f**ked up like that. :(

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I knew there was a problem when I had zero motivation to play with the cabinet. :(

I always knew nicotine had anti-depressant qualities. Along with the obvious weight loss and anti-anxiety properties ;)

Sorry, I realise there is a tragic side. My dad died of lung cancer, but you have got to have a good attitude above all else. I mean Id rather smoke and be happy than not smoke and live a miserable life. Not that it needs to be that way.

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I cut down and quit about 15 years ago or so. Got down to about 1/4 pack a day then went cold turkey. After 3 weeks I felt pretty good about things and each week after that continued. I picked it back up again a few years later when my first wife and I separated and filed for divorce. It was around the holidays and I was visiting my family and all but my mom smoke. Needless to say, shot nerves and lots of cigarettes around me and I started up again - probably the worst decision I have made.

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No, picking up a crack pipe would have been waaaay worse! ;)

My cousin Justin died of a heroin relapse, and he quit smoking cigs two weeks before that. Just goes to show that you're damned either way.

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My father had emphysema and passed away in 1999. He couldn't complete a 5 word sentence without taking gasps of air from his oxygen. I didn't quit smoking until 2004 when I returned from Afghanistan. I do understand how difficult it was to quit and I wish you the best on kicking it, all of you. Plus, how much is a pack these days anyway, around 5ish dollars? Forget the smokes, get a gallon of gas. ;)

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